Page 107 - Adpads_2023_Digital_Catalogue
P. 107

production & artwork information  packaging specifications & artwork information

 prices  software applications supported  standard & bespoke size templates   Check that the page size matches your required final
 Prices are effective from 1st January 2023.    Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Indesign.   Dieline packaging templates covering our whole range can be   document size.
 VAT will be charged extra where applicable.  If you cannot supply artwork in the above file formats your   provided for you to place your artwork on, once an order has   If using a wrap around design please check you artwork aligns
 artwork should be supplied as a print ready PDF/X-1a:2001 file.   been received.  correctly when the box is folded. Please adhere to the safe
 distributor prices
 Distributors are entirely free to set their own prices and are not   CMYK files should use Fogra39 settings. Please call our studio   If creating your own product dielines, please include the   print areas as set out in the templates supplied by the studio.
 obliged to use the prices printed in this catalogue.  team if you have any artwork queries.  substrate details below. Premium boxes are produced with   fonts –  All fonts used should be supplied. Text using fonts that
 digital artwork file carriers  half-cut folds. Please provide your internal dimensions.   can’t be supplied must be converted to paths or outlined.
 quantities  E-mail, Dropbox and We Transfer.  packaging material substrates.
 Orders for personalised products are subject to a 5% unders   Please supply composite and separation print-outs of the   Premium paper-over-board packaging is created using a   colour separation - All spot / line colour artwork files must
 or overs allowance for a 1 colour print and a 10% allowance for   artwork supplied for our reference. If supplying artwork via   1700mm micron board. Laminated print using 170gsm silk   be colour split using Pantone colour references. For 4 colour
 2 or more colours printed, which will be supplied and charged.   e-mail, confirmation of sender, file name and date sent are   paper is used to wrap the board. Lamination acts a protective   process artwork files use CMYK separations and values.
 If an exact quantity is required on personalised products a   required. It is always best to send e-mails from Mac to Mac  layer to the print. Print can be applied to one or both sides of   image resolution - All images, illustrations and photographs
 charge of £25.00 will be applied.          must be accompanied by high resolution originals. Images
 as PC’s can re-write attached Mac files into a PC format.  the box.  should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi at the actual
 product specification  Artwork attachments via e-mail must have a maximum file   Corrugated packaging is created using 1.5mm single eflute box   size they are to appear when printed.
 We reserve the right to alter any specification or change   size of 5MB. Larger files can be compressed using Stuffit or   board. Laminated print using 170gsm silk paper can be applied
 materials when necessary. This may be done without prior   Winzip or saved in a jpeg format. Upload files larger than 5MB   to one or both sides.    trap and spread - The correct amount of trap and spread
 notification but will not be to the detriment of the  using either Dropbox or We Transfer and send a download link   (used when two or more colours touch or overlap) will
 product or lessen its value.  to our studio team.  Creative card packaging is produced using 330gsm invercote   automatically be applied to any artwork files requiring this.
        white card. Please use these specifications if creating your own   double sided box print
 print specification  artwork design  dieline templates.
 Unless specified, the size and positioning of print will be at   All documents must have at least 4mm bleed. Avoid using fine   Double sided box print are backed in a manual process.
 the discretion of the printer. We make every effort to match   lines less than 1 point for screen printed images and 0.5 point   box making tooling charges  As such, when designing your box please allow for a 1-5mm
 print colours to your requirements but we are unable to   for 4 colour process images.  Box making tooling charges will be applied to all bespoke size   movement tolerance. Keep your text or essential graphics a
 always guarantee an exact match. Prices are based on the   Check that the page size matches your required final   boxes. Prices vary dependant on size and style of box. All   minimum 20mm from the fold /trim edge. Be aware which
 correct colour separated artwork / digital files being received.   document size.  bespoke tools are kept for a minimum of 2 years.  way your text/graphics are positioned to avoid text appearing
 Alterations and amendments to artwork will be charged extra.  fonts  white /brown samples  upside down when the box is folded.
 personalisation and branding  All fonts used should be supplied. Text using fonts that can’t   All samples / prototypes are available and are hand made,   digital artwork file carriers
 All products include a 1 colour print unless otherwise stated.   be supplied must be converted to paths or outlined.  contact sales for costs.  E-mail, Dropbox and We Transfer. If supplying artwork via
 Please enquire for additional print requirements.    colour separation  delivery  e-mail, confirmation of sender, file name and date sent are
 For bespoke calendars a standard handling charge of £100.00   All spot / line colour artwork files must be colour split using   Corrugated and creative card boxes are supplied flat packed   required. It is always best to send e-mails from Mac to Mac as
 will be applied for origination and make-up.    Pantone colour references. For 4 colour process artwork files   (not made up). Premium boxes are supplied as finished   PC’s can re-write attached Mac files into a PC format.
 Additional costs will be charged extra.  use CMYK separations and values.  Artwork attachments via e-mail must have a maximum file size
        formed boxes. Depending on the style and size of your box,   of 5MB. Larger files can be compressed using Stuffit or Winzip
 company logos  image resolution  your order will be delivered on a 1000 x 1200mm pallet or   or saved in a jpeg format. Upload files larger than 5MB using
 The products photographed in this brochure are intended   All images, illustrations and photographs must be   carton box.  either Dropbox or We Transfer and send a download link to our
 to illustrate the effect obtained by personalisation and do   accompanied by high resolution originals. Images should have   supported software applications   studio team.
 not necessarily imply the products have been supplied or   a minimum resolution of 300 dpi at the actual size they are to   Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Indesign.
 endorsed by the owners of the trademarks featured.  appear when printed.
        If you cannot supply artwork in the above file formats your
 cancelled orders  trap and spread  artwork should be supplied as a print ready PDF/X-1a:2001 file.
 A £25.00 administration fee will be charged for any order   The correct amount of trap and spread (used when two or   CMYK files should use Fogra39 settings. Please call our studio
 received and acknowledged but not started. A sliding scale   more colours touch or overlap) will automatically be applied   team if you have any artwork queries.
 charge will be made for any order which has been started.    to any artwork files requiring this.  artwork design
 Any order which has been completed will be charged in full.
 This publication is copyright. Any reproduction is forbidden.   All packaging designs must have at least 5mm bleed. Avoid
 carriage   All sizes and colours shown throughout this publication   using fine lines less than 1 point for screen printed images and
 Prices are ex-works and carriage will be charged extra.  are approximate and no liability can be accepted for any   0.5 point for 4 colour process images.

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