Page 87 - Adpads_2023_Digital_Catalogue
P. 87

blocks & holders

 smart-holder™ -    Approximately 1000 sheets   smart-holder™    Approximately 100 sheets
 maxi insert  of white sustainably sourced   - vision    of white sustainably sourced
 size: 103 x 103 x 100mm   paper.  size: 90 x 104 x 59mm  paper.
 Incorporates pen rest.
                                                         Price shown is for a 4 colour
 Price shown is for a 4 colour                           process print on a card insert
 process print on a card insert                          within a clear holder and plain
 within a clear holder and plain                         each sheet.
 each sheet.                                             Individually shrink-wrapped.
 Individually shrink-wrapped.
                                                         Guide price 1000 @
 Guide price 1000 @                                      100 minimum order quantity.
 100 minimum order quantity.

 smart-holder™ - mini   Approximately 500 sheets   smart-holder™    Price shown is for a 4 colour
 size: 103 x 103 x 54mm  of white sustainably sourced   - tri pen pot insert  process print on a card insert
 paper. Incorporates pen rest.  size: 100 x 89mm         within a clear pot.
 Price shown is for a 1 colour                           Individually shrink-wrapped.
 print on 3 sides of the holder                          Guide price 1000 @
 and plain each sheet.                                   £2.69
 Individually shrink-wrapped.                            100 minimum order quantity.
 Guide price 1000 @
 100 minimum order quantity.
 Stock holder colours: black, white.
 Other colours available on quantities of
 600 units or more.

 smart-holder™ - mini insert  Approximately 500 sheets   smart-holder™    Price shown is for a 1 colour
                                                         print on 3 sides of the pot.
 size: 103 x 103 x 54mm  of white sustainably sourced   - tri pen pot  Individually shrink-wrapped.
 paper. Incorporates pen rest.  size: 100 x 89mm
 Price shown is for a 4 colour                           Guide price 1000 @
 process print on card insert                            £2.52
 within a clear holder and plain                         100 minimum order quantity.
 each sheet.
 Individually shrink-wrapped.                            ●●●●●●●
                                                         Stock pot colours: black, blue, clear, purple,
 Guide price 1000 @                                      red, white, yellow.
 £5.35                                                   Other colours available on quantities of
 100 minimum order quantity.                             1000 units or more.

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