Page 2 - note deco
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Searching                                       We are proud to offer printed adhesive
                                                                               note pads and variety of other branded and
                               for the best                                    advertising stationery. In our catalogue you
                               promotional                                     will find many options available to you that can
                                                                               turn a plain note pad into a creative marketing
                               product?                                        tool for your company. Adhesive, printed note
                                                                               pads are particularly effective and attractive
                                                                               as promotional materials because of their
                                                                               universal appeal and usefulness.

                               New                             2-9             Z-notes.                       58-61

                                                                               Z-notes dispensers ZNB-22      60-61

                               Adhesive                        10-59           Note cubes.                    62-67

                               note pads.

                                                                               Adhesive note cubes CNA-31     64-65
                                                                               Standard note cubes CNS-32     66-67
                               Adhesive note pads ANA-11       12-13
                               Adhesive note pads in carton covers ANC-12  14-26
                               Indexes in carton covers ANM-13  27-31
                               Adhesive note pads with pen (pencil) ANP-14  32-35
                               Hard cover booklets with adhesive   36-44       Adhesive                       68-71
                               note pads ANH-15
                               Hard cover boxes ANB-16         45-47           memoboards.
                               Shaped adhesive note pads ANS-17  48-50
                               Display note pads AND-18        51-54
                               Etui note pads ANE-19           55
                               Adhesive note pads in PP covers ANL-11  56      Adhesive memoboards MBR-41     70
                               Translucent adhesive note pads ANT-11  57       Adhesive posters MBP-42        71
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