Page 7 - Lwwp Mugs lw
P. 7

Why not add
                                                                                               the Halo effect to
 TruColour                                         Revolutionary                               your ColourCoat
                                                                                               design for a truly
                                                                                               bespoke finish?
 Direct Print.
 We know how important your corporate              Halo Finish;
 colours are.                                       Highlight your brand.
 Our TruColour® system enables you to have your   Your choice of   Your choice of Pantone®
 very own choice of Pantone® colour printed   Pantone® colour.    colour can be applied to the
 directly onto an extensive collection of screen   No compromise    rim of any of our mug
 printed mugs.You are no longer limited by   on coloured ware.  styles from just 72 pieces,
 the traditional colour palette offered by other   complementing your design.
 ceramics decorators; we can offer you colour      Our unique Halo effect is great
 choice like never before!
                                                   for launching new corporate
 What’s more, our revolutionary TruColour®         colours or simply adding a final
 process can be applied to coloured mugs without   highlight to your campaign.
 loss of vibrancy. Colours which would have
 traditionally been dulled when printed onto a
 dark surface appear bright and vibrant; making
 the design really stand out.

                                                          Highlight your brand
                                                          with Pantone®
                                                          matched rim.
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