Page 115 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 115
Lac Bay is Perfect For Beginners of All Ages
Windsurfing on the beach-side of Lac Bay is like snow ski-
ing on a wide, safe, intermediate slope. It’s ideal for begin-
ner to intermediates, not to mention someone learning
footstraps and carved jibes.
B onaire’s Lac Bay offers near-perfect condi- Lac Bay offers something for everyone: Cou- and much more. Bonaire Windsurf Place offers
tions for all levels of windsurfers, from ples can enjoy each other’s company, even if instruction from people like Bonaire’s Windsurf
beginners to experienced sailors. The shallow one likes to sail and one likes to enjoy the beach. Olympian and Champion, Patoen Saragoza, who
waters of the bay also boast favorable on-shore Exciting family vacations are rare treats with the also happens to be one of the owners. The other
winds making Lac Bay the perfect place to learn whole family able to enjoy their windsurfing staff, while not past Olympians, certainly have
or hone your skills. Lac Bay offers wonderfully days together. Children can begin lessons as held their own in regional windsurfing competi-
windy conditions with on-shore breezes Ex- early as four years of age! tions.
perienced sailors will enjoy the bump and jump
conditions as well as the flat water expanse to Bonaire Windsurf Place is located on the wind- The staff of Bonaire Windsurf Place can offer
train in slalom and freestyle. Strike up a conver- ward side of the island known as Sorobon, individualized training for any level of skill
sation with some of the island’s pros and maybe at Lac Bay. At Sorobon, the water is shallow and - from rank beginner to champion windsurfer,
they will show you some of their new moves, warm, with steady tradewinds, and a beautiful both in the fabulous waters of the Sorobon area
including the Gecko Flaka, created in Bonaire. beach - perfect conditions for catching some of Bonaire. For those comfortable with their
You will no doubt also meet some of the many wind in your sails and claiming the freedom of windsurfing ability, Bonaire Windsurf Place offers
visiting pros who travel from around the world the water, but in a sheltered, safe area. For those the best in equipment, including boards from
to train in Bonaire. wanting to improve their board skills, learn to RRD, Pro-Tech, and Naish. Sails are by Hot Sails
water-start, footstraps, harness, stance, Jibe Maui and Naish.