Page 132 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 132

hey swim in a long line and you can be   become a common site to them on the           ridges that descend to the depths. They are
                                              waters surrounding Bonaire.                   shaped like a hillside that has had erosion
T stationary for a few minutes and watch
these schools swim in a long line that                                                      from rain runoff between the ledges. The
seems to never end. These large schools re-   T he most remarkable experience diving        journey is remarkable as you swim between
sult in a sense of excitement and apprecia-        Bonaire is that the sea critters do not  the ledges. As you approach each ledge

tion for the remarkable and diverse marine appear to be afraid of scuba divers. Maybe the sea life explodes. The coral formations

environment surrounding the entire island it is because they have learned to get an         can shoot 10 to twenty feet upwards. Large

of Bonaire.                                   occasional snack or because there is so       Knobby Brain coral structures reach to the

A sand ray may be laying in the sand at       much scuba diving on the island the sea       surface. The coral is rich and vibrant.
      the higher depths at 20 feet. These     critters have become used to the human
graceful creatures always create excite-      presence.                                     B oth of these dives are located on the 2
ment. Packs of blue tangs occasionally                                                            lane highway that circles the island in a
appear swimming along the reef line and       B oth sites have excellent tube sponge        figure 8 pattern. It takes about 20 minutes
                                                    growth that ranges from purple to a     to get to Karpata from Kralendijk. Once

stopping to each algae off the coral. The     rich blue. Orange, red and other colored      you get past the Thousand Steps dive site,

occasional butterfly fish can be seen float- sponges appear at deeper depths including the road becomes one way. About 50 yards

ing around the coral formations. Butterfly Orange Elephant Ear, Boring, Vase, Branch- from Karpata there is a turn off to the right

fish almost always appear as pairs leading ing Tube, Erect Rope, Scattered Fore Rope, that will take you through Rincon and then

one to assume and male and female form a Orange Ball, Leathery Barrel, Giant Barrel, back to Kralendijk. Because of the extra

long term bond.                               Red Sieve and Peach Enchrusting sponges. time needed to return to town is it recom-

W e have witnessed many sea turtles           These are just a few of the sponges you       mended at least two tanks per person be
         at both of these sites floating and  may encounter while diving both of these      taken to explore these sites to make the
                                              sites.                                        trip worthwhile.

swimming in the fern forest. They are not     T he coral formations between Kar-
frightened by humans. Maybe it is because          pata and La Danas Leap is a series of
these strange animals that exhale air have
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