Page 311 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 311
as Abao - Cas Abao is another example of the pristine beaches meters. You can find a variety of sea life including starfish, trunk-
fish and deep water fish which swim along the edge of the drop
C that can be found on Curacao. This is a good family beach,
for spending the morning or afternoon, but is also a premier dive off. Directions: Directions: Northwest of Willemstad, travel 7.3 km
site. Cas Abou is a beach on a plantation. It is a long stretched West on Weg Naar Westpunt from the Weg Naar Hato intersection.
sandy beach with lots of facilities (huts, beach chairs, restaurant, Turn left to head to St. Willibrordus and St. Marie. Travel 4.7 km to
bathroom). You have to pay an entrance fee per car. If you are reach the intersection shown on the Saint Marie dive site. Follow
alone in the car this fee is quite high. The prices on the beach for the instructions from there.
the facilities are also not low. The entrance into the water is very D iector’s Bay - Over here you can make two beautiful dives. A
easy but be careful. There could be rocks close to the shore near very good site for lessons also since the first few meters are
the edges of the beach. Swim out to the drop-off. That is where I
normally go underwater. To the left the drop-off is very gradual. only white sand. About 10 meters from the beach the drop off be-
The coral density is moderate and there are patches with sand in gins. If you make the dive to the left side of Director’s Bay you will
between. There is an abundance of sponges. Directions: Coming find a beautiful wall, overgrown with corals and sponges in a vari-
from the Eastern site of the island you have to go to the Western ety of colors. When you make the dive to the right side of Direc-
Part. Driving along the only road to this part of the island, “road to tor’s Bay you will see lots of soft corals. There is the little tugboat,
Westpunt”, you drive along Plantation House “Daniel” and past the where lots of fish live in and around. The boat itself is beautifully
small city of “Terra Kora” till you see a sign “Soto”. There you go to encrusted.
the left. Follow this road. When you see the entrance to “Cas Abou” H arry’s Hole - Shore Dive, easily accessible from the Sunset
Waters Resort beach. The place was a sea horse mecca. Large
(see picture) you turn to the left. Follow the road till you reach the
entrance gate. There you have to pay the entrance fee. Continue
on the dirt road till you reach the parking lot. stands of stately elkhorn coral greet you as you swim out from
D aaibooi – this can be a strenuous dive and requires a 500 shore towards the reef. Home to many small reef fish and crea-
yard swim out to reach the drop off beginning at a depth of tures, they are certainly worth some exploration.
approximately at 9 meters. It follows the depth till more than 40