Page 409 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 409

uerto Chiquito (Ricky Beach) - Puerto     make a perfect place for crabs, octopus and        accessible by car. Santana Reef is for the
                                                spiny lobster. Great visibility and acces-         more advanced diver. It is best to avoid this
P Chiquito is a small, quiet entry point,       sible from the shore. A unique opportunity         spot during times of difficult weather. When
                                                for shore diving into the open sea. Baby           conditions are right, however, you can be
with protected shallows for the kids, and an    Beach is a very popular area for swimmers,         rewarded with a pristine dive. Directions:
impressive drop off for the diver. Directions:  snorkelers, kids, and, of course, divers. The      Follow the directions to Baby Beach, and
A 100m South of the Southern 1A 4A inter-       protected cove offers a nice beach even            head 600m further East.
section, turn West for 300m. Then turn left     in the worst of the weather. You’ll find
for 1km passing over the Spanish Lagoon.        facilities and concessions here, as well.          C abez Reef (50’ ) Due to strong currents,
Turn right and wind your way for about          Directions: Head to the Southern tip of the              for experienced divers only since it is
1.5 km. The entrance looks like a small dirt    island to the community of Ceroe Colorado.         just around the corner from the windward
driveway.                                       Watch intersection distances, drive through        side of the island.. Conditions are usually
                                                the community toward the ocean (not the            bad here, unless the winds come mainly
S avaneta Beach - Saveneta Beach is             refinery!), and you should begin to see the        from the North or Northwest. Talk to your
      a good sunning beach far from the         landmarks below.                                   local dive shop before attempting this dive.
crowds of the hotel area further North.                                                            Come face to face with barracudas, am-
Snorkeling is good in the shallows, and with    S antana Reef (20-50’) Huge rocks in the           berjacks and rainbow runners. This site is
a bit of a kick-out, the diver will be reward-       sand in 90’ covered with colorful spong-      known for stingrays. Directions: Follow the
ed with a nice shelf to explore. Directions:    es. Barrel sponges, sea fans, stingrays rest-      directions to Baby Beach, and head another
4.4 km South of the Southern 1A 4A inter-       ing in the sand around the rocks. Elkhorn          km further East to the end of the road.
section, turn West toward the beach. Follow     croral and staghorn coral are found every-
the road for a few hundred meters until you     where here, making it an ideal spot for and
see the entrance below.                         abundance of marine life. Although entry is
                                                a little difficult, this very good dive is easily
B aby Beach Reef (20-60’) Large forma-
      tions of elkhorn coral, with sheet coral
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