Page 486 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 486

Saba: Key Historical Dates and Events

1500 BC - The first remnants of civilization are found     During this period slavery was introduced to the island
at Plum Piece, which was settled by hunter/gatherers.      but the amount of these unfortunate souls was limited
Saba’s first visitors were nomads who used trees to build  due to Saba’s ‘unfriendly natural surroundings’.
canoes and survived on seabirds and crabs. Historians      1863 - Abolition of slavery. Africans were brought to the
believe that these nomads had contact with indigenous      Caribbean by Europeans and forced to work as slaves.
people from the surrounding islands with whom they         Working conditions at the plantations, salt mines and
traded goods.                                              the harbor were very harsh to say the least. The Dutch
1493 - Christopher Columbus. During his second jour-       finally abolished slavery in 1863.
ney in 1493 world traveller Christopher Columbus sailed    1938 - The Road. In 1938 work began on The Road. It
by Saba and named it San Cristóbal. Despite the fact that  took nine grueling years before it was finished. In 1947
the Spanish saw no redeeming qualities in the island,      the first car drove on The road which is now 14km-long.
they claimed it for the Spanish crown.

1636 - Shipwreck at Saba. In 1636 an English vessel was    1960 - Airport Saba. Another feat of engineering was
unlucky enough to get stranded in the rough seas sur-      completed in 1960 when the island’s first airport was
rounding Saba. The survivors made it to the island and     opened at Flat Point. The Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport
were the first permanent European inhabitants of this      with its 400 meter long runway is the smallest of its kind
volcanic rock.                                             in the world. Landing at Saba is not for the faint of heart
1816 - Definitely Dutch. After Columbus, four European     and pilots can only service Saba after taking a special
powers fought over Saba. After the Spanish, French and     course.
English the Dutch took control of the island in 1816.
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