Page 101 - Micronesia
P. 101

MALAKAI ISLAND INSERT                                                nurtured in the world’s largest giant clams nursery, and then
                                                                     they are released into the bays. PMDC rears hawksbill turtles for
Neco Marine Dive Shop “Neco” means Ngiratkel Etpison Com-            release as well.
pany, founded after WWII by Ngiratkel Etpison (1925-1997),
the honorable late president of Palau. Today Neco has a large        West Plaza Hotels The West Plaza Coral Reef, By the Sea, Down-
air-conditioned retail space, internet cafe, gear room, rental       town, Desekel, and Malakal offer you diver-friendly comfort and
gear, scuba training pool, photo services, and a fleet of fast dive  affordibility on Koror and Malakal Islands. (680) 488-2133
boats. Neco Marine also features The Drop-off Bar and Grill, cer-
tainly one of Palau’s best restaurants. Details at: www.necoma-      MAML Divers Full service dive shop, specializing in serving Asian                                                             tourists.

Sam’s Tours This superb PADI five-star National Geographic dive      Blue Marlin Dive Shop Dive shop specializing in catering to
center and eco-adventure tour company operates year round,           Asian tourists..
offering scuba trips, snorkel trips, rock island tours, land tours,
and kayak trips. Sam’s guides have intimate knowledge of Palau.      Palau Royal Resort Five-star resort hotel has all of the ameni-
For a special adventure, ask to explore one of Palau’s 72 salt       ties, including luxury rooms and a sunning beach. Conveniently
water lakes. Visit                                 located on a gorgeous bay. Hotel restaurant offers both Asian
                                                                     and Western cuisine.
Dolphins Pacific Palau’s dolphin research facility also offers a
fine rock island dolphin experience. See www.dolphinspacific.        Ice Box Park Nice grassy park with stair step access to interest-
com                                                                  ing snorkeling.Named for Japanese ice manufacturing that was
                                                                     once located here.
Palau Mariculture Development Center Millions of clams are
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