Page 112 - Micronesia
P. 112

arnums Wall - Starts off vertically, then begins to slope out     viding great close ups for divers hooked in along the edge of the
                                                                        wall. Napolean Wrasse, Bluefin Trevally, Dog Tooth Tuna and Eagle
B around 25m / 83ft to a sandy bottom. This can be a good               Ray can all be found here. Along the top of the reef line are Lion
                                                                        Fish, Leaf Fish and Sea Turtles. The safety stop usually accompa-
place to spot Leopard Sharks. White Tip Sharks also frequent the        nied by a large school of Black Fin Barracuda. The dive is intense
area, as well as the occasional Eagle Ray. The wall it’s self is great  and action packed.
for Nudibranchs, Sea Whips, Green Sea Turtles and Hawksbill Sea

B ig Drop Off - Big Drop Off, can be dived regardless of the cur-       C handelier Cave - Named after the stalactite formations grow-
      rent direction. A vertical wall covered with soft corals and sea        ing down from the caves ceiling, Chandelier Cave consists
fans, divers can expect a pleasant drift dive, spotting Sea Turtles,    of 4 water filled, accessible chambers, each with a breathable air
Long Nose Hawkfish and a variety of reef fish along the way. The        pocket. Air naturally filters through the porous limestone and it is
top of the wall is teeming with life and safety stops can often be      perfectly safe to breath. Visibility is usually excellent, unless the
shared with a Black Tip Reef Shark.                                     silt layer on the bottom, lying at approximately 15m / 48ft, has
                                                                        been disturbed. Light only comes from the small entry / exit point
B lue Holes - Located west and next to Blue Corner, Blue Holes          at the beginning of the cave system.
      is a huge cavern with 4 holes at its top, allowing the Sun light
to filter down. Divers descend down 1 of the holes and into the         G erman ChanneL - Another one of Palau’s more popular dive
cavern.                                                                        sites. Divers descend down to a depth of about 20m / 66ft to
                                                                        a sandy bottom, where a Manta Ray cleaning station is located.
B lue Corner - Palau’s most famous and popular dive site, de-           After spending about 20 min’s with the Manta’s, a gentle drift up
      servedly so. Blue Corner has every thing a diver could wish for.  and through the channel usually follows. Other regulars spot-
Strong currents whip over the top of the plateau bringing with it       ted sea life include White Tip Reef Sharks, Grey Reef Sharks, Black
a plentiful supply of food and nutrients. Inquisitive White Tip Reef    Snapper, Trevally, Sea Turtles and Clown Triggerfish.
Sharks and Grey Reef Sharks cruise up and down the currents pro-
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