Page 365 - Micronesia
P. 365

GETTING MARRIED IN PARADISE                                           Getting Married in Paradise


    W hether you’re planning a          As a result, several hotels
            once in a lifetime experi-  have added full-service wed-
    ence for you and your guests        ding planning departments,
    or celebrating an anniversary       as well as unique chapels to
    or second honeymoon, Guam           their properties. Chapels of all
    offers the magic to make life-      styles and sizes dot the shore-
    time memories.                      line of resort Tumon, making
                                        it convenient to say your vows
    With the natural beauty of our      then transport your guests to
    island serving as a backdrop        a nearby restaurant, hotel, or
    to romance, the island has          entertainment facility for the
    become a popular choice for         celebration to follow.
    couples across Asia.
                                        Whether it’s the simplest of
                                        ceremonies or the most elabo-
                                        rate affairs with hundreds of
                                        guests, styled settings, stretch
                                        limousines, and lavish menus,
                                        the wedding professionals on
                                        Guam can make your dreams
                                        come true.
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