Page 426 - Micronesia
P. 426
The Great White Shark
B ecause of the bad rap they got from the ly found it’s way to many adventure-seekers most sharks, females are larger than males.
media and movies, these sharks were “bucket list”. It wasn’t long ago that the fish- Shark pups are around five feet long at
feared by most. As more people tried it and ermen around Guadalupe Island complained birth. The heavy body is shaped like a tor-
came back with all their limbs and stories of of large sharks stealing their catch before pedo. Most of the shark is gray with a white
face-to-face encounters, more wanted to do they could reel it in. The reports happened underbelly. When hunting, the great white
it. Today the shark diving adventure is open consistently year after year. Now the months usually strikes from below. Its grayish top
to just about everyone. You don’t even need of August, September and October are prime coloration blends in with the dark water,
to be a scuba diver to do it, Making a trip to time to get up close and personal to the ulti- allowing it to approach the prey undetect-
Guadalupe Island is now a luxury live-aboard mate apex predator...the great white shark. ed. This shark has five gill slits, a crescent-
experience on the 112’ Solmar V. There are shaped tail, no fin spines, an anal fin, a dor-
only a few places in the world where pre- T he great white shark is a solitary preda- sal fin and two pectoral fins. The dorsal fin is
dictable shark encounters can be found. tor that can grow to over 20 foot in the one that breaks the surface of the water.
Guadalupe Island, off the west coast of the length, but averages 12-16 feet and weighs For as large and heavy as this shark is, the
Baja peninsula, is by far the most popular in about 4,000 pounds. Larger great whites great white shark is a streamlined swimmer,
North America. With up to 100’ visibility and have been recorded up to 23 feet and other striking it’s prey with a tremendous force.
water temperatures between 67° to 72° F, evidence shows they could grow as large as
shark diving at Guadalupe Island has quick- 26 feet in some parts of the world. As with