Page 462 - Micronesia
P. 462

owever, in the face of other human-       of algae, which smothers reefs by cutting        artificial prawn farms.
                                                 off their sunlight. Trash also kills coral reef
H induced pressures, corals have become          animals. Floating trash can cover reefs,         M ining also destroys coral. Sometimes
                                                 blocking off sunlight that polyps need to                coral pieces are removed for use as
vulnerable. In many cases, bleached coral        survive. Turtles often mistake plastic bags      bricks or road-fill. Or, sand and limestone
colonies die. In the past few decades, the       for jellyfish and eat them. Plastic blocks       from coral reefs are made into cement
amount of carbon dioxide in the air has in-      the turtle’s digestive tract, causing them to    for new buildings. But corals aren’t only
creased by one-third. This is harmful to cor-    starve to death. Lost or discarded fishing       removed from their habitat for construc-
als because increased amounts of carbon          nets - called “ghost nets” - can snag on reefs   tion; they are also sold as souvenirs. Coral
dioxide are dissolving into the water, which     and strangle thousands of fish, sea turtles      curios and jewelry are often sold to tourists
appears to be dissolving the skeletons of        and marine mammals.                              and exporters in the markets of developing
corals. As a result, coral in waters with large                                                   countries.
amounts of carbon dioxide form weaker            C onstruction along coasts, inshore con-
skeletons, making them more vulnerable to              struction, mining, logging and farming     T ourist resorts that empty their sewage
damage from waves, careless tourists, and        along coastal rivers can all lead to erosion.          directly into the water surrounding
destructive fishers.                             As a result, particles end up in the ocean       coral reefs contribute to coral reef degra-
                                                 and cover coral reefs. This ‘smothers’ coral     dation. Wastes kept in poorly maintained
S cientists have identified pollution as         and deprives it of the light it needs to sur-    septic tanks can also leak into surrounding
      one of the leading causes of coral reef    vive. Mangrove trees and sea grasses, which      ground water, eventually seeping out to the
degradation. This threat comes from a            normally act as filters for sediment, are        reefs. Careless boating, diving, snorkeling
variety of sources. For example, oil, gas and    also being rapidly destroyed. This has led       and fishing can also damage coral reefs.
pesticide contamination poisons coral and        to an increase in the amount of sediment         Whenever people grab, kick, walk on, or stir
marine life. Reefs are harmed when human,        reaching coral reefs. Mangrove forests are       up sediment in the reefs, they contribute
animal waste and/or fertilizer is dumped         often cut for firewood or removed to create      to coral reef destruction. Corals are also
into the ocean or when river systems carry       open beaches. They are also destroyed by         harmed or killed when people drop anchors
these pollutants to reef waters. These           prawn harvesters to open up areas to create      on them or when people collect coral.
pollutants increase the level of nitrogen
around coral reefs, causing an overgrowth
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