Page 84 - Micronesia
P. 84

BABELDAOB At 24 miles long by 10 miles wide, (39 km x 16 km),        apparent everywhere as a large part of Palau’s “Big Island” is ter-
Babeldaob is Micronesia’s third largest island (Guam & Pohnpei       raced for farming, plus there are many ancient stone pathways
are larger). Much of Babeldaob is undeveloped, and the entire        and Bai platforms. The modern “Compact Road” circumnavigates
west coast is fringed with mangrove, which protects the coast,       Babeldaob. Now tourists and locals can easily drive to the new
but also inhibits development. However, ancient civilization is      capitol in Melekeok, and to many historic and natural sites
apparent everywhere as a large part of Palau’s “Big Island” is ter-  around the island. There are no gas stations. Bring water, food,
raced for farming, plus there are many ancient stone pathways        and tire-changing equipment. Neco Marine and Sam’s Tours offer
and Bai platforms. The modern “Compact Road” circumnavigates         superb one or two-day tours.
Babeldaob. Now tourists and locals can easily drive to the new
capitol in Melekeok, and to many historic and natural sites          NGCHESAR Thick mangrove forests make up the coastline, along
around the island. There are no gas stations. Bring water, food,     with coconut palms. The terraces in Ngerngesang Village are
and tire-changing equipment. Neco Marine and Sam’s Tours offer       examples of ancient agricultural terracing from 491 A.D. to 1150
superb one or two-day tours.                                         A.D. Open forest and trails are popular for trekking. People here
                                                                     have a traditional belief that the white-spotted eagle ray is to be
MELEKEOK This state has sandy beaches, thin fringing man-            revered, as it is related to Spirits. The traditional war canoes here
grove, swampy marshes, hills, and Palau’s largest freshwater lake,   are decorated with eagle ray images. Hunting an eagle ray would
NgardokLake. The Ngardok Nature Reserve and the lake make for        bring bad luck on the village.
good hiking and birdwatching. As of October 2006, the capital of
Palau is now Ngerulmud, located in Melekeok State.                   Jellyfish Lake Access to Palau’s favorite snorkeling spot begins
                                                                     at the Macharchar Island dock, then a semi-difficult hike to a
BABELDAOB At 24 miles long by 10 miles wide, (39 km x 16 km),        floating dock entry at the lake’s edge, where snorkelers ease into
Babeldaob is Micronesia’s third largest island (Guam & Pohnpei       the brackish warm water and swim to the middle of the lake.
are larger). Much of Babeldaob is undeveloped, and the entire        There they find an unbelievable number of Golden Mastigias Jel-
west coast is fringed with mangrove, which protects the coast,       lies pulsating to be in the sunshine. At a deeper level there are
but also inhibits development. However, ancient civilization is      Aurilia Moon Jellies, but you will not likely see them as they pre-
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