Page 93 - Micronesia
P. 93

are also                                                             lands forest provide habitat for rare birds, rare native plants and
littered with shards of pottery and human bones. The peoples         orchids, and the endangered crocodile, “ius”. This lake collects
that were here are of unknown origin.                                water from a 1000-acre watershed and drains to the sea via the
                                                                     Ngerdorch River. The reserve protects this habitat and guaran-
Seventy Islands (Locally Called Ngerukewid) This group of is-        tees water quality for nature and a pristine water supply for the
lands forms the scene that most people have come to envision         people of Melekeok. Permission to enter is required from the
as the definition of what Palau looks like. This particular set of   Reserve Manager or from the State office. Call (680) 488-1755.
islets is viewable only from the air, as seen above, because the     An officer will accompany you.
area defined in the map has been set aside permanently as a
wildlife preserve. There is no visiting allowed, and so the area     Sunken City (Ngibtal) According to Palauan legend, this city
will remain an undisturbed replenishment zone for all plant and      sank into the sea when it was flooded after a bread-fruit tree
animal life.                                                         was cut down. Water gushed out where the tree had stood.

Scuba Diving Palau A divers is entertained by pyramid butterfly-     Melekeok Bai This traditional bai was built by the people of
fish. Divers may see more species of fish in Palau than anywhere     Melekeok, and is one of four standing bias in Palau.
else in the world.
                                                                     Odalmelech Stone Faces This site dates to 895 A.D. There are
Ngardmau Waterfalls An hour or two from the Ngardmau Dock,           six stone faces, which are believed to represent Odalmelech (a
depending on your trekking ability, or hike down from the Com-       Palauan god) and his five councilmen.
pact Road in about 20 min. You can swim in the stream below
the lovely falls. The falls are locally known as Medala Iechad.      The Capital Of Palau Melekeok is the new capitalof Palau, with
Expect to pay a fee. There are also a couple of cabins at the falls  magnificent capitol, legislature and court buildings.
that you can rent from the locals.

Lake Ngardok The largest natural lake in Micronesia is the
center of the Ngardok Nature Reserve. Its wetlands and up-
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