Page 100 - The British Big Four
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uring the early 1950s, Groves, in partnership with British finan-  world’s first and best shark encounters. In roughly 40 feet of water,
                                                                          divers will swim among 10-25 Caribbean reef sharks varying in size
D cier Sir Charles Hayward, negotiated with the Government of             from 4-10 feet long, as they cruise by at arm’s length. Shark diving
                                                                          is something UNEXSO, Xanadu Undersea Adventures and the other
the Bahamas for 50,000 acres of land to create a “port area,” giving      dive operations in Freeport have learned to do very well.
birth to the City of Freeport. About 50,000 people live on Grand
Bahama Islands, though most were born on other islands through-           T he Dolphin Experience - UNEXSO is one of the world’s best.
out the Bahamas. The population is comprised predominately of                  Sixteen bottlenose dolphins are maintained in a spacious en-
the descendents of West Africans brought to the Bahamas to work           closure at Sanctuary Bay, 10 of which have been born in captivity.
as slaves on the island’s cotton plantations and decedents of the         The famed White Sand Ridge north of West End, Grand Bahama, is
early English settlers who established those early plantations in the     one of the world’s great spots for wild dolphin encounters. Here
Bahamas. Britain abolished slavery in 1834, a turning point for the       bottlenose dolphins are commonly seen rooting around in the shal-
economy of the island. The plantation lifestyle gave way to indi-         low sand bank for crustaceans, and a resident pod of spotted dol-
vidual endeavors for sponging, agriculture and fishing, igniting the      phins is quite accessible. UNEXSO also schedules a variety of dol-
entrepreneurial spirit that is evident in the Bahamas today.              phin experiences. Their popular Dolphin Swim lets you interact with
                                                                          trained dolphins in an enclosed lagoon. More advanced options are
C aribbean Reef Sharks are a common sight and there are fan-              the Open Water Dolphin Swim, Dolphin Encounter or the Assistant
       tastic shark feeding dive available if you would like to get up    Trainer program. Open Water Dolphin Swims take place about one
close. You will experience the exhilaration of sharks swimming slow       mile off shore, providing the unforgettable experience of interact-
circles right in front of you, while being hand fed by a diver in chain   ing with dolphins in their natural habitat.
mail. If you are really lucky, the shark feeder will find a cooperative
shark to demonstrate the state of tonic immobility. This is a natural
paralysis in animals, induced in these sharks by placing one’s hands
on its snout. Grand Bahama is home to Shark Junction, one of the
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