Page 14 - The British Big Four
P. 14

Franko Maps Cards in this Flipbook

W e pushed it to the limit with The Brit- is easier and fun by dicing the cards to make Four Flipbook is a work of art and technol-
         ish Big Four flipbook. Included are 16 larger maps that are easy to use and read. We ogy. The maps in this section are disbursed
original Franko Maps cards covering Diving also take the text on the Franko Maps cards throughout this massive undertaking that is
from the Bahamas Islands, Bermuda, The that describe the dive sites and slotted it over 600 pages. You get all of the above and
Cayman Islands and Turks and Caicos. All of into pages for easier reading. We then added the Explore the Sea Module, thousands of hy-
the maps are fully zoomable. We then made hyperlinks and lots of video. The British Big perllinks and tons of video!!!!!
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