Page 155 - The British Big Four
P. 155

Berry Islands Scuba Diving

T he Berry Islands are made up of a land mass that totals just            as it borders the Tongue of The Ocean and attracts countless num-
     over twelve square miles. Many of the 30 cays that comprise          bers of baitfish. And then there’s Great Harbour Cay. It boasts seven
the islands are great for snorkeling, hiking, diving and beachcomb-       continuous miles of magnificent beaches and one of the best pro-
ing. Great features include a now-abandoned lighthouse built in           tected harbors in The Bahamas. It once was a major golf resort for
1863 during the reign of Prince William IV. Little Stirrup Cay is a pri-  the rich and famous. In fact, there are more millionaires per square
vate island that’s used by Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines as a one-day      inch on The Berry Islands than most places on earth.
stopover. Chub Cay is known as The Billfish Capital of The Bahamas,
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