Page 176 - The British Big Four
P. 176

hark Wall - Shark Wall is a pristine drop-off decorated with mass- this unique dive spot. The rim of the hole is home to myriad species

S es of colorful sponges along the deep water abyss known as as well, including an array of tiny fish, such as tobacco fish, gobies,
the Tongue of the Ocean. Divers position themselves along sand and jawfish. Blacknose sharks (classified as Near Threatened (NT ) on

patches among the coral heads in about 50 feet of water as car- the IUCN Red List) can be seen cruising the bottom of the hole dur-

ibbean reef sharks and an occasional bull shark or lemon Shark ing the late spring and early summer, while a couple of nurse sharks

cruise the mid water in anticipation of a free handout. The bait is are usually seen throughout the year. Because of the accessibility

secreted in crevices and under coral ledges, causing the sharks to and the number of different marine species found at this site we

continually swim about the area, poking into the reef and eventu- declared Lost Blue Hole as one of the best scuba dive sites in the

ally rooting out the bait in an exciting feeding frenzy. During the Bahamas.

feeding period, the bait is controlled and fed from a polespear by        T ongue of the Ocean - The Tongue of the Ocean is a sea trench
an experienced feeder. There are usually 6 to 12 sharks here at a              that bends around the western side of New Providence, with
time, ranging from four to eight feet in length. It takes a while for

the sharks to get brave enough to close in on the food. While they a drop-off of over a mile to the bottom. The result is not just one

are circling ever closer to the bait, the underwater photographers dive site, but several, as wall-diving areas extend for mile after mile.

and videographers are enjoying superb opportunities. Because bait These walls are decorated with colorful sponges and corals, heavily

isn’t constantly in the water, there are fewer suspended particles to populated with a diverse array of sea life, and often visited by big,

cause backscatter. Since the reef is so beautiful the backgrounds for pelagic fish approaching from the open ocean.

these shark portraits are, exquisite. Some operators make two dives
at this particular site, allowing the guests to cruise the wall with the
                                                                          outhwest Reef - Southwest Reef offers magnificent high profile
Ssharks in a more natural way before the feeding dive.                    coral heads in only 15 to 30 feet of water, complete with pris-

L ost Blue Hole is a great dive site for divers of all experience lev-    tine Elkhorn and Staghorn formations dotted with schooling grunts,
     els. Access it easily by boat. Depths range from 14 meters to 31     squirrelfish and barracuda.

meters. You’ll find a gorgeous reef, a beautiful wall, and plenty of

marine species, making it perfect for underwater photographers.

Schools of fish, as well as stingrays and a variety of corals, thrive at
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