Page 210 - The British Big Four
P. 210
oolittle’s Grotto - The depth under the boat is about 40 feet coral trees and elephant ear sponges hanging off the side of the
wall. Visibility is generally excellent and sharks are often seen. The
D on a gradual sand slope to the wall. The wall here is basically a top of the wall has heavy coral growth due to the frequent current
around the end of the island. There is generally lots of fish activity.
sand slope from 30 to 140 feet. It is broken up by two parallel ridges There are two smaller crevices near the boat anchorage that lead
of coral each over 50 feet thick. The ridges are riddled with tunnels through the wall. Going west along the wall there is a small tunnel
that allow you to make your way down the wall through them. The leading back to the top of the wall at about 100 feet. Beyond that
big ridge near the boat has four tunnels that lead to a sand bottom is a huge cut in the wall about 60 feet across with a bottom at 110
valley between the shallow and deep ridges. The second coral ridge feet. This leads into the wall and branches in two as you ascend
has two bigger crevices splitting it into three sections. The top of through it back to the top of the wall. How to dive it: Swim across
the outer coral is 60 feet and the deeper crevices will bring you the sand and down into the first crevice you see that heads toward
out to a big sand valley at 120 feet. There is usually a big school of the drop off. Take a left after you come out over the wall and swim
horse-eye jacks meandering over the reef the entire dive. Big corals along at 100 feet scanning out and down. Turn into the biggest cut
and barrel sponges are common about the reef. and ascend back up to the top of the wall. Turn around and swim
east to return to the boat.
B lack Forest - The depth under the boat is 40 feet on a mixed
sand and coral bottom. The wall here is a straight cliff from 40
feet down to 160 and is an overhang in many places. Several big
tunnels and crevices run through the wall and open out at 90 to 100
feet on the side. There are plenty of deep water gorgonians, black