Page 230 - The British Big Four
P. 230

75020’ W                            75010’ W                                     75000’ W    HMS CONQUEROR                        74050’ W                              CORAL REEF CREATURES of LONG ISLAND                                                                                                                                                                                    Juvenile

       THE        Newton's Cay                                                                                                                                                                         Juvenile                                        Juvenile  Juvenile
                                                                                             SNOWFIELDS            Rum Cay
     Galliot Cay           GLINTONS
   FLAMINGO                BURNT GROUND                                                      23040’ N                                         TATTOO EXPRESS     Spotfin
TONGUE REEF                                                                                                                                                   Butterflyfish
                                                                    SCALE                                                                     WRECK                                            Rock Beauty
      Hog Cay                                        0 48                                                                        PORT                                                Reef                         French Angelfish
                                                                                                                               NELSON                                          Butterflyfish
  THREE SISTERS                                                          Miles                                                                                                                                                                                   Blue Angelfish    Queen Angelfish
                                                                                                         GRANDPA GROUPER THE CHIMNEY
                                                                  04               8                                                                                                                                                 Gray Angelfish


                                STELLA MARIS                                                        Franko’s                                                  Banded
                                                                                                                                                              Butterflyfish Yellowtail
                      MILLERTON                                                              LONG ISLAND                                                                   Damselfish                             Princess Parrotfish
                                           ANDERSON                                                                                                                                                                                           Sargassum             Queen              Black
                                                                                                                                                              Bluehead                          Queen Parrotfish                              Triggerfish        Triggerfish          Durgon

                                                                                                                                                              Wrasse                Yellowhead                                                                                               Ocean
                      Harvey Bay            O'NEILS                                               THE BAHAMAS                                                                       Wrasse

                                   SCRUB    TATNALL                      23030’ N            DIVE MAP & REEF CREATURES                                          Green
                                    HILL                                                          IDENTIFICATION GUIDE                                        Razorfish

                              SIMMS                                                                                                                                                 Clown              Stoplight Parrotfish         Blue Parrotfish      Midnight Parrotfish
                      Alligator Bay DOCTOR'S CREEK                                                                                                                                  Wrasse


                                                WEMYSS            Tropic of Cancer                                                                            Spanish
                          Wemyss Bight
                              Whale Head             SAM McKINNEOS                           CARIBBEAN SEA                                                                                             Black Grouper                                   Rainbow Parrotfish                  Coney
                                                         WHITEHOUSE                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tiger Grouper
                                                        MILLERS                                                 LONG ISLAND                                                                   Hogfish

                                                McKANNS                                                                                                       Puddingwife

                                                               Salt                                                                                                   Trumpetfish                                                   Nassau Grouper               Graysby
                                                              Pond SALT POND
                                                     Sandy Cay                                                                                23020’ N                                                 Bar Jack

                                                                  PINDERS                                                                                                      Great                              Red Hind                    Scrawled Filefish           Honeycomb                                                                                                                        Lionfish
                                                                                                                                                                            Barracuda                                                                                       Cowfish

                        White-Spotted                                          BOWERS                                                                         Mahogany              White Grunt                 Grey Snapper           Spotted
                            Eagle Ray                DunPcoainntsonGRAYS                                                                                       Snapper                                                              Scorpionfish

Green Sea Turtle                                                                  ANDERSONS                                                                                                                                                                           Tarpon
       Caribbean                                                                  OLD GRAYS
      Reef Shark                                               LOWER                                                                                          Tobacco Fish Barred Hamlet
                                                        DEADMAN'S CAY

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Schoolmaster                 Sergeant
                                                                         DEADMAN'S CAY                                                   23010’ N                                                                                              Spotted                                Bermuda Chub
                                                                                                         Hawksbill Turtle                                                                                                                     Trunkfish
                                                                           BUCKLEYS                                                                                                                                                                              Palometa
                                                                                                                                                              Yellowtail Snapper
                                                                                    MANGROVE BUSH                                                                                       Foureye
                                                                                                                         DEAN'S BLUE HOLE                                   Elkhorn                    Horse-Eye Jack         Bluestriped Grunt                           Brown Orange-spotted
                                                                                SCRUB HSTTIULERLVNEBNUSLCLLTAORWENNCVEICTORBIAIGVGILRLEAEGNE                                 Coral Blue
                                                                                                                                                              Creole                                   Juvenile                                                           Chromis                                                                                                                          Filefish

                                                                                                                                                                           Juvenile Chromis                                                    Smooth  White-Spotted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Glasseye Snapper Trunkfish                Filefish

 Grand                                                                                                             DUNMORE                                    Balloonfish                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cero

The BahamasBahama Little Abaco                                                                                                                                                                         Spotted
Florida                                                                                                            HARD BARGAIN                                                                 Coral Spanish                                                Tomtate          Redlip  Beaugregory
                                                                                                                                                                                                Crab Lobster                                               Arrow             Blenny
                      Great Abaco                                                                                                             23000’ N        Striped               Blue Tang                     Highhat                                  Crab            Spotted
                                                                                                                                                              Burrfish                                                                                                    Moray Eel
Bimini                    Eleuthera                                                                                   TAITS                                                                                                         French Grunt
    Berrys                      New Providence                                                                     ROSES
                                                                                                                                                              Sea Rod Brown
Andros                    Cat Island                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Octopus

                                   San Salvador                                                                                                                         Tube Sponge                                    Longspine                                Mountainous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Squirrelfish           Squirrelfish Star Coral
            The Exumas             Rum Cay                                                                         BERRYS                                      Sea                             Cushion                               Sea
                                      Long  Island Group                                                                                                      Horse                            Sea Star Fairy Basslet                Fan
         Great    Exuma                         Samana Cay                                               CABBAGE POINT Great
                  Ragged   Long I.                                                                                     FORD Lake                                      Basket
                          Is.                Crooked I.                              Fabulous Guides                                                                 Sponge                                                                                                               Gorgonian Fan                                                                                                      Green
                                                       Mayaguana                    of Favorite Places        MORTIMERS                                          Jawfish            VGBaisraaenCnStlcepBhaorinanniiggnnegSCChoGoeroraeabltlySwGelSaeStsapmsreyorCosLoStorheanalg-UsrpcihniendPoFricruepACinnoeSremaefilasohneYeSllpoownTguebSetaCgorhaoDlrnaBm~i-csoellofirshOraTunSOSbpgpreaoeonnngggeee  Moray Eel
                              Acklins I.                                            Copyright 2011
                                                     Turks &                      Franko Maps, Ltd.                                                                          Brain                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Peacock
            Cuba                                     Caicos                                                                                                                  Coral                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Flounder
                          Little Inagua                                                                                               Garden Eel                                                                                             '

                                                Great (U.K.)

                                   Southern                                           Nurse Shark                       GORDONS
                                   Stingray                                                                        Cape Verde

                          Hermit                                                                         Triton's
                           Crab                                                                          Trumpet
                                   Flying Gurnard
                                                                  Queen                                                                                       Sea Cucumber   Yellow                    Spotted                                Yellowstriped                                                                                                                                                       Spiny
                                                                  Conch                                                                                                     Stingray                   Goatfish                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lobster

                                                                                                                                                              Copyright 2011                                                  Sand Tilefish            Goatfish       Sand Diver
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