Page 277 - The British Big Four
P. 277

Popular Moderate Depth Wrecks

T he area south of New Providence has           sel sunk in 50 feet at Shark Wall, and the Ba-   Situated among the coral heads of the reef,
     been the setting for numerous Holly-       hama Momma, sunk in 1995 in only 40 feet         the Jose makes a nice all-round dive. A Bur-
wood movies, including several James Bond       at the Runway. De La Salle is a 120-foot is-     ma Oil tugboat called Badger and a 40-foot
films, and a number of wrecks were placed       land freighter that has been on the bottom       steel supply boat called Laura were sunk in
on the bottom as underwater sets. The           off Paradise Island for about a decade. The      1997. Both sit upright in about 50 feet. The
framework that passed as the Vulcan Bomb-       ship sits upright in 65 feet, like a ghost ship  upside down hull of The Pretender is anoth-
er from Thunderball and the vessel Tears of     steering a long forgotten course. Not too far    er Grand Bahama Island wreck in moderately
Allah from Never Say Never Again are still      away, the shallow section of the Mahoney         deep water, lying on the sand in 45 feet. The
popular dive sites. Other wrecks here include   can be found in about 40 feet of water. After    Abacos have a couple of nice medium-depth
the Willaurie, a 130-foot freighter sunk in 55  a century on the bottom, the boiler, keel and    wrecks in the Violet Mitchell, at around 45
feet of water in 1989, and the Sea Viking, a    plating are all that remain of this steamship.   feet, and the steamer San Jacinto. Built in
60-foot commercial fishing boat sitting up-                                                      1847, the San Jacinto was the first US-built
right in 65 feet. Because shark-feeding dives   T he area south of Grand Bahama Island is        steamship. It sank in 1867 and the remains
take place nearby, sharks always seem to be          also rich with wrecks. The Jose is a 40-    lie in about 40 feet of water.
roaming two of the New Providence wrecks,       foot oceangoing tugboat that has been on
the David Tucker II, an ex-defense force ves-   the bottom in 65 feet for about ten years.
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