Page 300 - The British Big Four
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Princess Alexandra National Park - This highly important coastal and         Cheshire Hall Plantation - This quiet site is a window into the past
marine protected area is off the north coast of Providenciales and in-       of the Caicos Islands. Situated on a hilltop near the downtown area,
cludes Grace Bay Beach, The Bight Beach, The Bight Reef, Leeward             Cheshire Hall offers the best-preserved plantation era ruins on Provi-
Beach, Smith’s Reef, and a large portion of the northern barrier reef of     denciales. Built by Loyalist planter Thomas Stubbs in the late 1700s,
Providenciales. This area also includes the iguana sanctuary of Little       this site produced cotton and sisal for export.
Water Cay and the wetlands islands of Mangrove Cay and Donna Cay.

Chalk Sound National Park - Chalk Sound is a brilliant turquoise la-
goon filled with hundreds of little rocky islands. On calm days, this is
an excellent location for kayaking and paddle boarding. Many residen-
tial and rental villas are located here, along with the beautiful Sapodilla
Bay and Taylor Bay beaches.

Northwest Point National Park - The remote and rugged limestone
coastline of Northwest Point offers countless small coves and cliffs to
explore. A great place to spend an afternoon, the interior ponds here
are some of the best birdwatching spots on Providenciales. An espe-
cially impressive spot when the ocean swell is high.

Frenchmans Creek and Pigeon Pond Nature Reserve - Frenchman’s
Creek and Pigeon Pond Nature Reserve is the largest section of pro-
tected land on Providenciales and covers an area that’s roughly two
by four miles. Several different types of local terrains are represented
here, including mangrove wetlands, sandy beaches, sea cliffs and in-
land saline ponds.

Sapodilla Bay Hill Rock Carvings - Found on a little hill overlooking
South Dock, Sapodilla Bay Beach and Chalk Sound, this historical site
still bears inscriptions from travellers and shipwrecked sailors from
time past. There’s not much left of the centuries-old rock carvings, but
the views from this point are spectacular and are definitely worth the
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