Page 39 - The British Big Four
P. 39

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We appreciate you purchasing the Top Four USA                                            Explore the Sea
East Coast Diving Destinations eBook and the                                             module of over 400
hours of enjoyment in the form of written text,                                          web pages that
maps, video, slideshows and hyperlinks to external                                       describes Coral,
information.                                                                             Sponges and Sea

T he Bahamas, officially the                        island chain that it shares with     mas is tropical savannah. There
     Commonwealth of the Ba-                        the Turks and Caicos Islands. The    has never been a frost or freeze
hamas, is an island country con-                    Bahamas territory encompasses        ever reported anywhere in the
sisting of more than 700 islands,                   470,000 km2 (180,000 square          Bahamas – although every few
cays, and islets in the Atlantic                    miles) of ocean space. In terms      decades low temperatures can
Ocean; north of Cuba and His-                       of gross domestic product per        fall into the 3–5 °C (37–41 °F)
paniola (the Dominican Repub-                       capita, the Bahamas is one of        range for a few hours when a
lic and Haiti); northwest of the                    the richest countries in the         severe cold outbreak comes off
Turks and Caicos Islands; south-                    Americas (following the United       the North American landmass.
east of the U.S. state of Florida                   States and Canada). The name         Otherwise, the low latitude,
and east of the Florida Keys. Its                   Bahamas is derived from the          warm tropical Gulf Stream, and
capital is Nassau on the island of                  Spanish baja mar (“shallow wa-       low elevation give the Bahamas
New Providence. The designa-                        ter or sea” or “low tide”) reflect-  a warm and winterless climate.
tion of “Bahamas” can refer to                      ing the shallow waters of the
either the country or the larger                    area. The climate of the Baha-
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