Page 524 - The British Big Four
P. 524

81025'W                                                                                                      81020'W                                                                                                                                 81015'W                                                                                                         81010'W                                                                              81005'W

         Grand Cayman                                                                                                                  HAMMERHEAD HILL 60’-100’ (18-100m) Boat dive to a rise that is known                                                                                                                     Principal Road           LEGEND                                                                                          Franko's
                                                                                                                                       for big fish and schools of or single hammerheads.                                                                                                                                                                                   Scuba Site

                                                                                                                                                 B'S WALL 66’-100’ (20-30m) Crystal clear waters belie the fact that divers
                                                                                                                                                 get deep quickly here. Fabulous colourful corals and sponges abound here.

                                                                                                                                                        DREAM WEAVER REEF 55'-75' (17-23m) Boat dive to spur and groove
                                                                                                                                                          reef with shallow coral pinnacles and buttresses with swim-throughs
         GRAND CAYMAN DIVING The reefs and walls of Grand Cayman are absolutely amazing. An photographer                                                  everywhere. Colourful corals and sponges.                                                                                                                             Secondary Road                                        Snorkel Site                         CAYMAN ISLANDS
         could spend a lifetime on over 250 named dive sites all around the island. Many of the dive sites feature
         drop-offs, stunning walls, and canyons. Access is easy, with numerous shore-accessible dives, especailly along                                               CHINESE WALL 66’-100’ (20-30m) Mini wall and fissure between                                                                                              Trail/Dirt Road                                       Fish                                   British West Indies
         Seven Mile Beach, but just as many that require boating in with one of the island's expert dive operators. With                                              two coral masses, with a wide variety and abundance of reef creatures,
         all of the walls and towering formations loaded with colourful sponges, intricate corals and a myriad of reef fishes,                                        including a female nurse shark, turtles, sea rods, stony corals, colourful                                                                                Depth Contours 10m              256                                                             Guide & Dive Map
         invertebrates, and pelagic species, it is interesting that Grand Cayman's most famous dive is Stingray City. This                                            sponges and all kinds of Caribbean reef fishes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Depth (meters) Sounding (meters)                            Name                                                                  Cayman Islands
         incredible dive takes place in no more than 12 feet of water. For cruiseship passengers, novice snorkelers, and                                                                       ROBERT'S WALL 50'-100' (15-30m) Spur and groove terrain leads                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Caribbean Sea
                                                                                                                                                                                               to drop-off. Large cuts in this wall have deep swim-throughs with                                                                Marine Park Zone
         families, Sandbar also features a fleet of southern stingrays, and is so shallow that visitors can stand on the sand and                                                                                                                                                                                               Walls and Coral Reefs Where Most                                                            PRINTED ON DURABLE, WATERPROOF SYNTHETIC PAPER
         interact with the friendly stingrays. The reefs and walls all around Grand                                                                                                            barrel sponges, giant anemones, black coral, white-spotted eagle                                                                                                                                                                                            Recreational Guide for
         sites can be the best on a given dive. Night diving is excellent too. A                                                                                                               rays, turtles, lobsters and sharks.                                                                                              Diving is Done                                        Point of Interest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Replenishment Zone                                                                                                        Scuba Divers, Snorkelers,
         Lorem ipsum dolorfavorite night dive is at the Divetech Reef right next to the Cayman Turtle Farm.                                                                                             GAIL'S MOUNTAIN 50'-100'+ (15-30m+) Sea mount with a                                                                                                                                                                                              and Everyone Who Loves
         Cayman are excellent dive spots. Every Cayman diver has his or her own BLUE PINNACLES                                                                                                          ravine and fissures making a superb coral garden with colourful
         favorites. The splendor of Grand Cayman diving is that any one of 250+                                                                                                                         sponges, blue chromis schools and purple creole wrasse.                                                                                                                                                                                              The Cayman Islands
                                                                                                                HOLE IN THE WALL                                                                                                                                                                                                Shallow Lagoons & Sounds; Fisheries                   Lodging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Management Areas Where Stocks of
                                                                                                                          MAIN STREET                                                                                                                                                                                           Conch & Lobster Breed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Environmental Zone
         SEVEN MILE BEACH & WEST END                                                                                        TARPON ALLEY WEST & EAST                                                      HAUNTED HOUSE 70’-100’ (21-30m) Boat dive to join                                                                                                                           Restaurant
         OF GRAND CAYMAN DETAILED ON                                                                                               PRINCESS PENNY'S PINNACLE                                              white-spotted eagle rays and hawksbill turtles amongst
                                                         GHOST MOUNTAIN Wreck of the                                                    JOSH'S CANYON                                                     oversized black corals.                                                                                               Do Not Disturb Area of Mangrove in
                                                                                 Augustus Caesar (1765)                                       VALLEY OF THE RAYS                                                                                                                                                                North Sound
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GRAND CANYON 50'-100'+ (15-30m+)
19025'N  FLIP SIDE OF MAP                                                         CLIFF HANGER                                                                                                                   Also known as "B'S WALL", this is a wide canyon between                                                        Visit Franko at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sheer walls, adorned with colourful sponges and soft coral.
                                            PETE'S RAVINE                           MARTIN'S             1000m

                                               SPONGE POINT                WALL                                                             BLACK FOREST (NORTH)                                                        There are pelagic species plus tiger and Nassau groupers.                                               S Nautical Miles 0                               1                            2
                                             (GROUPER POINT)       Conch Point                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1                          2
                                                                                                   BEAR'S                                             EAGLE RAY PASS                           1150                         PINNACLE REEF 30’-40’ (9-12m) Boat dive to coral pinnacles                                          C            Statute Miles 0         12
                                SPANISH BAY REEF                                                   PAW                                                                                                                      that rise to within 30’ (9m) of surface. Northwest of mooring                                       A
                SCHOOLHOUSE REEF                                                                                                                      LEMON WALL                                                            there is a nice swim-through.                                                                       L
                HEPP'S WALL                                                                                          279                                                                                                                                                                                                        E
         HEPP'S PIPELINE                                                                                        200m                                                                                                               NO NAME WALL 50’-90’ (15-27m) A line of ravines runs                                                      Kilometers0
                                                Spanish Bay                                                                                               LEMON REEF                                                               seaward toward the wall north of Rum Point Channel.
                          Boatswains Bay
                                     273                                              DoRuebplleenHieshamd ent         10m                                LESLIE'S CURL                                                           WHITE STROKE CANYON 60'-100'+ (18-30m+) Huge craggy canyon covered                                                            NOTE: Although every effort was
                                                                                                                Zone                                                                                                              with corals, sponges and invertebrates. Canyon crags are home to green moray                                                  taken to make this map accurate,
         DIVETECH REEF                            17                                                                                                      LIGHTHOUSE                                                              eels, lobsters, octopi, and many invertebrates. Graceful French angelfish pairs                                               the islands undergo change and
         TURTLE FARM                             Divetech                                                                                                     WALL                                                                swim about, and turtles rest. Caution: Choppy and surgy.                                                                      there may also be omissions.
         MINI-WALL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              This map is not intended to be
                                              Cobalt Coast Resort                                  Sanders                                                                                                                             QUEEN'S THRONE 17’-50’ (5-15m) Boat dive is also good for snorkeling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                used as a Navigational Chart.
                                                                                                   Palmetto Pt.                                                                                                                          at mini wall with coral pinnacles and a large green moray.

                              Sundivers                                               BARKERS                             Barker                                                                                                              ANDES WALL 60’-100’ (18-30m)
                                               Send a postcard
                                                   from Hell                          Morgan's                           Cay      Main Channel                                                                                                   ANDES REEF 20’-33’ (6-11m)                                                     1371                                                           BLACK ROCK CANYON 50’-100’ (15-30m)                      VALLEY OF THE DOLLS 66’-100’ (20-30m)
                                                                                       Harbor      Head of Barkers                                                                                  Rum
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Point Channel
                          Divetech                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Zone
          North SoundBoatswain's Beach                                                                                                 CHANNEL'S                                                                                                                               PENNY'S ARCH 30’-60’ (9-18m) Delicate archway is at the edge                                           McCURLYS WALLS 50’-100’ (15-30m)                                   BARREL SPONGE WALL 60’-100’ (18-30m)                             1580
                                                                                                                                       END REEF
          Cayman Turtle Farm                                                                    2                                                                                              ZCohRatbnaoenceUSncaR3MeoaculRmnhmPudeomObsdP,IaPNaorfWoitiTniinanoetVttneIFfdsrSoeC,iCIrrnaTaraRayiyynFnumVidvmgnRiiagsstauPnioeitntormociKdtCnraoaasPBtltPyioubRcecvhobaeaeKseclaniaidthnlScu.iyTRibdetwtvaoairBiifoinTnYuClvuhabgoelecevohewLRtaCseBMCghtRlroauaenOombaCgnWtaproataS'vstgEeRMnueLoemAofSwNuaPnDopaRriinblUsateoMtveeaPuOsaIIdsnNSlradeoTnaypdC5DN-bL0oEoUoPbaBwW’fI-ftnoLeDBA6.iatAtypdoiB5lhDvol'umt’SYicrVondnbliL(oiafDd1lgrwOat1rlrowa5EarN5rZipgrbo-Ltli'oesh2sesooIR(nl.iGd03anoEcPesHmmtPfgoipEfnTedro)F)kfaalirnavtl&HoSggef4mohoe,iWu0cosrbs's1mAr,eu(eT0rLs1oato0uLorF2tptt'carihmuMoe(h3rgdi3n0s)Esaoa0s'pRds-csm.M1ioeMktja0n)pealeA0gptdcinhIo'ksePeDtr(,sosprta9Sa,nw,yFtl-sdaghsRU3iaotno0ERhttdromaETrgJaHceFgpUo)csE7ren&LeoeR0aiIsreaE'kstWAnn'(iSb42aAsflt1LWaeeLm4anAt0so)Lt3',uLEwN0(hpOrd1Oo'eitv-ig62dnl1eaDlee0dmrek0irsRv'Tt--0ip)Mey1htan.'sieig0rpts(na.eL90wZpnno-o'ceai3na(moBdOc1e0dmla8LmMaeeDy-mNdne)3eOrMo0smnRSm.ACK.ToaN)HvnIANeEeBNNsRACOYNYHNLPLODOLAIRIRGL1GTMH2HPHTOTETS6SrfhGRNRre0uEoNDeE5'lNmflLE-0eEi1d3t’dstV-0uL30lhB9Ae0isr0'aot-0ic'ABt6'ynKr-’h(leln60e1gAu(oc01'8fTtBohaf(o'5E-Hn9lo(l3-u129-Ler4201f9E0r-07fPm18'2E0Atmo8mh9N)'3imn)(a)h6ttT)u1wormra7i)sc' la(Rro23naenm98ekp1g.’le6)eF-dw5nISS0ioosnH’hovo(mdeT1rreekA1nnteN-&Rht-l1GKoe5OZryemoacanel)ateRM&neBSaTshseoFlRkeUwtafurraeirow1Rlfiidlnfmt0TtstktuS'.L0sis-aerEt’bTritAhol(liCPDTmelr3rSlooAthRisp0uvlotue,eSlomgeuinsgwSrReaorStg)hrestrhh.Cslste6eoilttfPuc0Phpsthbo’,aah-igst1nneCsr0teeoaec0nlsgoelBwCti’tnerHeoeiMo(arwtra1UsnshlsOts8eaC6BCnanRa-dyaA0h3etHuRi2Cn'Batr-v0a6muI5IOend1AemNTr0qrn’0LbNe-TgtDt’eu)E06lyro’Aloe(SoEi'01rrsbdu(R2’eWgT,81ees5Es(Ooam8Aa8p’LCngnR--cL-rL)a35io1dehTLAara00os8Uein'lnsmS’dbmsoGsid.(bogC)Ad8)ane3gAe-ir5aCv1exSe4i1Lninir5Tn0tUhmsL0cgreB0Eeh)ameudfb.
         North West Point

              NW POINT
         BONNIE'S ARCH                                   WEST BAY                                                               Fisherman's Rock                        Rep2lenSisahnmdbenatr
                                                                                                                                  BLUE PETER REEF
         ORANGE CANYON                                        Cemetery
           SENTINEL ROCK                                                                      STINGRAY CITY To 12' (4m) The attraction
         BIG TUNNELS                                                                   Salt for divers and snorkelers who come here in
         EASY STREET                                                                  Creek endless tour boats is up-close encounters
         IN BETWEEN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   RogeLrosSnpgWroCetotcckeorPnt.uBtaPyt.
                                                                  Seven Mile Beach3           with the friendly stingrays. The stingrays
         DRAGON'S HOLE                                                                        get yummy handouts from dive masters.
                                                         5m 10m 200m                               It is a spectacle not to be missed!
         CHAIN REEF
         BIG DIPPER                                                                                      CORAL GARDENS 3' - 10' (1 - 3m) Boat Dive to
                                                                                                         excellent snorkeling on shallow coral reef and
         LITTLE TUNNELS                                                               Governor's         sand. Interesting nudibranchs, tiny fish, grunts,
                                                                                         Creek           yellowtails, sergeant majors and green sea
         ROUND ROCK W & E                                                         A1
                  TRINITY CAVES
                                                                                                         turtles dominate the enjoyment.

         SLAUGHTERHOUSE WALL                                                          SAFE HAVEN         Welch Point SANDBAR 3' - 10' (1 - 3m) Tour boats                                                                                                                                                                                                     Further Rd
         CEMETERY BEACH REEF                                                                               The Links          take snorkelers to site where stingrays
                                                                                                         at Safehaven         abound over white sand much like the                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sound Rd
         WALL STREET                                                                                                          famous STINGRAY CITY, but shallower.
                     SAND CHUTE
         DOC POULSON (WRECK)                West Bay 5                                                                                                                                         tours to Sandbar or other dive sites.          3                                                                                              GROUND             NORTH SIDE                                       Swampy                                                          Colliers       SNAPPER HOLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cave                                                                                                   Pond          33’-60’ (11-18m)

19020'N  MITCH MILLER'S REEF                                                                      Ritz Carlton                                                                                               Booby          Little Sound                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Colliers Bay Tunnel maze in corals, full of
         MARTY'S WALL                                                                             Golf Course                                                                                                 Cay                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Colliers Cay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Portofino Restaurant      silversides and big tarpon.
                          KNIFE                                                       Red Sail Sports                                                              3.5                         Booby Pt.                                                                                                                                         The Mountain                                                                                                                                   There is an old (1872) anchor
         USS KITTIWAKE (2010)                                                                                   RUM POINT FERRY This scenic ferry ride                  4                                                                                                                                                                        El 40'                                                                           Low & Irregular Thickly Wooded                                of the wreck Methusalem.
                                                                                                                across North Sound departs from the
         LOST TREASURE REEF                                                                                     Hyatt Regency dock.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Replenishment Zone

                      SPANISH ANCHOR                                                     Golf Course            24                                                                                                                                                               Mangrove                                                         Mastic Trail                                               QUEEN ELIZABETH II BOTANICAL PARK                                                  OLD WRECK HEAD
                        ANGELFISH REEF                                       Divers Supply                                                                                                                                                                                              Meagre Bay Pond                                                                                                      65 acres of lush tropical gardens, El 40'                                          (SHARK ALLEY)
                    GREAT HOUSE WALL                                    Divers World                              GEORGE TOWN TOURING The main town of the                                          3.5                 Mangrove                                                        Animal Sanctuary                                                                                                     with trails. See elusive blue iguanas                         Sand Bluff
                     AQUARIUM NORTH                                                                               Cayman Islands has extraordinary architecture,                               Duck
                        (KILLER PUFFER)                                                                           the National Museum, the National Heroes Circle,                             Pond                                                                                                                                                                  A4                                      and other indigenous animals and                              GUN BAY              30'-60' (9-18m)
                     AQUARIUM SOUTH                                                                               the Clock Tower (built for King George V in 1937),                            Cay                                                                                                                                                                                                          plants.                                                                                                 Wreck of the
                                                                                                                  and many wonderful shops catering to tourists.
                            EAGLE'S NEST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               East End Channel Cumberland
         PETER'S (GOVERNOR'S) REEF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Gun Bluff Sparrowhawk                           Transport (1767)
                                   JAX DAX                                                                                             3.5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            22
                          PARADISE REEF                                                                         George Town                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    EAST END  Gorling      Bluff      East Point                   Resort
                     ORO VERDE WRECK                                                                             Barcadere
               HOLIDAY INN DROP-OFF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Compass Point Dive

                      HAMMERHEAD HOLE                                                              Owen Roberts                                                                                           NORTH                                                                                                                                  BREAKERS                                                                                               Civic Center       Lighthouse
         CARIBBEAN CLUB SAND CHUTE                                                                                                                                                                        SOUND
                                                                                    GEORGE International Airport                                          PATRICK'S                                       ESTATES                                                                                                                    El 20'                                 Frank Sound                      HALF MOON HIGH ROCK  HIGH Post Office                    Lower Bay  South Channel
                             WILDLIFE REEF                                                                                                                 ISLAND                                                                                                                                                               343                                                                               BAY ESTATES     ROCK                                                          PARROTFISH CAVERNS
                           LONE STAR REEF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       60'-100' (18-30m)
                      ROYAL PALMS LEDGE                          Eden Rock TOWN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A3           JBoeettCyoBnayyerPtB.ay                                        Cottage Pt.                 HIGH ROCK Blowholes Corkers Reef
                  WRECK OF THE GAMMA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Channel  Replenishment Zone                    DROP-OFF
                   PAGEANT BEACH REEF                            Don Fosters Dive                               A2                                                       Community                                                                                                                       Monarch                                                       10m
                                                                                                                                                                           College                                                                                                                        Condos                                                200m
                        SOTO'S NORTH                          Sunset House                                                                                                NEWLANDS                                          NORTHWARD                                                                                                                                                                                      45'-100' (14-30m)             THE MAZE
                                                                                                                            GRAND                                                      SAVANNA                                                 BODDEN                                                                     14.5                                                                          353
         FISH POT (MESA/RHAPSODY)                                                                                           HARBOR                                                     MEADOWS                                                                                           Civic Center                                                                                                                      RIVER OF SANDS                60'-100'
                WRECK OF THE CALLIE         Jackson Pt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pirate's Inn/Dive Time                                   TARPON TAP ROOM 33’-60’ (11-18m)                                                                        (18-30m)
                                                                                                                                                                           SAVANNA                                          NORTH CAYMAN TOWN                                                                                                                                                                              55’-100’ (17-30m)
                                                                                                                                                                        Post Office                                                                                                                                                                      KELLY'S CAVERNS 30’-50’ (9-15m)
         WRECK OF THE BALBOA                                                                                              Red Crawl                                                                                  Rd           PALMS          Post Office                            Edge Resteraunt HALFMOON BAY to 15' (3m)                                                                                            TUNNEL OF LOVE
               EDEN ROCK (N & S)                                                                                          Bay Bay Youth                                                                             LOWER                             Clinic                                                                                                                                                               55’-100’ (17-30m)
                                                                                                                                                           SPOTTS                                                   VALLEY  Shamrock                                                    Bodden Bay  Shore entry to small bay with a limestone bottom with holes and ledges.                                                                                           772
                  DEVILS GROTTO (N & S)                                                            A5 South Sound Center                                   Reef                                                                    Wild   Dr      A2                                                Numerous colourful invertebrates, including crabs and shrimp, plus morays.                                                TARPON TERRACE
               L.C.M. DAVID NICHOLSON                                                                             Prospect Point PrBoesapcehct        A2   Song                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            33’-60’ (11-18m)
         DON FOSTER”S CASUARINA PT.                                                                                                                       Condos                                                            Orchid Inn                                                              IRONSHORE GARDENS 30'-50' (9-15m) Boat dive to shallow reef with                                                                                                                                          1134
                              SUNSET REEF   SW Point                                                                                                                                                                        SOUTH CAYMAN                                                401         golden elkhorn corals. Schoolmasters and pairs of foureye butterflyfish                                                   KANGAROO GORGE
                        SUNSET REEF EAST          Coconut Walk Bay                                                                                                                                                                PALMS                                                             swim about the reef. Beyond the reef the bottom is riddled with caves                                                  60’-120’+ (18-36m+)
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Pedro St. James
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MAHOGANY                                                                and tunnels.                                                                                                         1050 DUMBO'S LOOKOUT
                                                                    Point                                                                                                                                           El 40' ESTATE Beach Bay Studios
         WALDOE'S REEF                              Sand Cay                                                                                TIN CITY                                           Little                                                                                                                           MAGGIE'S MAZE 40'-100'+ (12-30m+) Coral ravines and passageways                            60’-100’ (18-30m)
         ARMCHAIR REEF                      Pull-and-be-Damned
                                                                                                                                                                                               Pedro Pt.    Great           PEDRO ST. JAMES NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE                                                              lead to drop-off where pelagics frequent. White-spotted eagle rays,                        CATACOMBS 30'-60' (9-18m)
            FRANK'S REEF                                                                                                                                                                                  Pedro Pt.         Originally built in 1780 by William Eden, this                                                      blacktip reef sharks, Caribbean reef sharks and bull sharks have been
             SMITH’S COVE                                                                                                         SPOTTS REEF 33’-50’ (11-15m)                                                              plantation house makes a nice tour with a                                                           seen. Covered with colourful sponges and corals.                                           LOST VALLEY 30'-60' (9-18m)
         EAGLE RAY ROCK                                                                                                           Coral gardens with swim-throughs.                                                         superb view from the top of a coralline bluff.                                                                                                                                                 LODGE ANCHOR 30'-60' (9-18m)
           BLACKIE'S HOLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             THREE SISTERS 55'-100'+ (17-30m+)
19015'N      BIG TABLE ROCK                                                                                                       BATS CAVE REEF 33’-50’ (11-15m) This                                                                                                                                                          Some say that the three sisters, "Agnes", "Bertha", and "Claire", are three
                                                                                                                                  shore accessible, popular site has Grand                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Caribbean Reef Shark

                                                                                                                                  Cayman's most extensive system of caves                                                                                                                                                       huge coral pinnacles sticking out of the main wall. Others say the sisters are
                                                                                                                                  and tunnels. Good for snorkeling.                                  PEDRO'S PINNACLES 66'-100'+ (22-30m+) Grand Cayman's                                                                       three deep sand channels. Either way, it is a rich mass of sponges and corals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     first resident pirate (Pedro) built a castle at Great Pedro Point.
                                    KENT'S CAVES WEST                                                                       JAPANESE GARDEN EAST & WEST                 1000m                        Two huge pinnacles rise out of the abyss by his castle. Sea                                                                                                     PLAYING FIELD 30'-50' (9-15m) This is a patch reef full of sponges with
                                                                                                                          BARRACUDA RON'S PASS                                                       life includes pristine black corals, wide gorgonian fans, sponges,                                                                                              French angelfish around them, plus butterflyfish, coronetfish, creole wrasse,
                                            RON'S WALL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GRAND CAYMAN SNORKELING SITES: French grunts and Bermuda chub.
                        PALLAS WRECK REEF EAST & WEST
                                                                                                                    DANGEROUS DAN'S DROP-OFF (3D)                                                    green sea turtles, eagle rays, and pelagics from the open ocean.                                                                                                                 McKENNY'S CANYON 60' - 100' (18 - 30m) Canyons, tunnels and swim-throughs
         PALLAS PINNACLES EAST, WEST & CENTRAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      BATS CAVE REEF                               SUNSET REEF EAST                     decorated with huge, 4' (1.2m) tall lavender sea fans, plus yellow and brown tube
                                                                                                                NED'S TUNNELS                                                                                                                                                                       TURTLE FARM REEF                             SMITH'S COVE                         sponges. Blacktip reef sharks cruise the reef.
                                               DEDE'S GARDEN                                               BULLWINKLE EAST & WEST                                                                                                                                                                   BONNIE'S ARCH                                PALLAS WRECK
                                                              GARY'S REEF                               LAURA'S REEF
                                                              CROSSROADS                             RED BAY CAVES                                                      PEDRO'S REEF 25'-45' (8-14m) Several small caverns in the reef
                                                              PIRATE'S COVE                        GARY'S WALL                                                          supports a wide variety of Caribbean reef fishes, corals, sponges,                                                          CEMETERY REEF                                HALF MOON BAY                                          PATS WALL 60’-100’+ (18-30m+) Mooring 3.0 SE Named for local dive master,
                                                                                                                                                                        shrimp and spiny lobsters. Hawksbill turtles are also common.                                                               SPANISH ANCHOR
                                                              OLLEN'S OFFICE                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AQUARIUM REEF                                THREE SISTERS                                          Pat’s Wall has narrow, deep channels, and a lush coral gargen with purple sea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        plumes, sea fans and sea whips, plus a few black corals. Great spot for excellent
         GRAND CAYMAN FACTS:                                                                       PHANTOM'S LEDGE                                                                                                                                                                                                                               TORTUGA CLUB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    WRECK OF THE GAMMA GENEVA KATHLEEN WRECK                                                            buoyancy control.
         22 mi. (35 km.) long x 4-8 mi. (6-12 km.) wide                                       EYE OF THE NEEDLE                                                                                                                                                                                     WRECK OF THE CALLIE
         Area: 122 sq. miles (197 sq. km.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       RUM POINT CLUB                                                  SCUBA BOWL 65'-100'+ (20-30m+) Outside the channel, this is a deep dive with
                                                                                              AKA HOLE IN THE WALL                                                                                                                                                                                  ANGELFISH REEF                                                                                               brain corals, blue fan corals, gorgonians, and lavender finger sponges. There are
         Located 490 miles (800 km.) SW of Miami.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EDEN ROCK                                    SANDBAR                                                         blacktip and Caribbean reef sharks.
         Population: 45,000+ and growing fast                                         CHRISTINA'S REEF AND WALL                                                         The Cayman Islands The Sister Islands                                                                                                                                    CORAL GARDENS

         Topography is almost flat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DEVIL'S GROTTO                               STINGRAY CITY                                                             GROUPER GROTTO 20'-50' (6-15m) Boat dive for scuba or snorkelers to a tabletop
         George Town is the capital of the Cayman Islands                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PARROT'S REEF                                HEPP'S PIPELINE                                                           coral reef with elkhorn corals, golden gorgonians, brain corals and sponges. Fish
         Cayman Trench - Just to the south the water is                                                                                     Manta Ray                                                                                                                          Little Cayman        SEAVIEW REEF WEST                            SEVEN MILE BEACH                                                          life includes Bermuda chub, and whitespotted eagle rays. However, groupers are
                                                                                                                                                                                               Caribbean Sea                                                                                        SUNSET REEF WEST                                                                                                       almost non-existent at Grouper Grotto.
         4 miles (6km) deep.
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