Page 53 - The British Big Four
P. 53

ir Milo Butler was appointed the first  ter after consultation with the Leader of the       he Bahamas uses left hand drive traffic
                                              Opposition. The House of Assembly carries
S Governor-General of the Bahamas (the        out all major legislative functions. As under  T rules throughout the Commonwealth.
                                              the Westminster system, the Prime Minister
official representative of Queen Elizabeth    may dissolve Parliament and call a general     The colors embodied in the design of the
II) shortly after independence. The Bahamas   election at any time within a five-year term.  Bahamian flag symbolize the image and as-
is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy    The Prime Minister is the head of govern-      pirations of the people of The Bahamas; the
headed by Queen Elizabeth II in her role as   ment and is the leader of the party with the   design reflects aspects of the natural envi-
Queen of the Bahamas. Political and legal     most seats in the House of Assembly. Execu-    ronment (sun, sand, and sea) and the eco-
traditions closely follow those of the Unit-  tive power is exercised by the Cabinet, se-    nomic and social development. The flag is a
ed Kingdom and the Westminster system.        lected by the Prime Minister and drawn from    black equilateral triangle against the mast,
The two main parties are the Free National    his supporters in the House of Assembly.       superimposed on a horizontal background
Movement and the Progressive Liberal Par-     Constitutional safeguards include freedom      made up of two colors on three equal stripes
ty. The Bahamas is a member of the Com-       of speech, press, worship, movement, and       of aquamarine, gold and aquamarine. The
monwealth of Nations as a Commonwealth        association. The judiciary is independent of   symbolism of the flag is as follows: Black, a
realm, retaining the Queen as head of state   the executive and the legislature. Jurispru-   strong color, represents the vigor and force
(represented by a Governor-General).          dence is based on English law. The districts   of a united people, the triangle pointing to-
                                              of the Bahamas provide a system of local       wards the body of the flag represents the
L egislative power is vested in a bicam-      government everywhere except New Provi-        enterprise and determination of The Baha-
     eral parliament, which consists of a     dence (which holds 70% of the national pop-    mian people to develop and possess the
38-member House of Assembly (the lower        ulation), whose affairs are handled directly   rich resources of sun and sea symbolized by
house), with members elected from single-     by the central government.                     gold and aquamarine respectively. In refer-
member districts, and a 16-member Senate,                                                    ence to the representation of the people
with members appointed by the Governor-                                                      with the color black, some white Bahamians
General, including nine on the advice of the                                                 have joked that they are represented in the
Prime Minister, four on the advice of the                                                    thread which “holds it all together.”
Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition,
and three on the advice of the Prime Minis-
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