Page 134 - The Virgin Islands
P. 134

oral formations are divided into three        oral reefs deliver ecosystem services to  could become drowned reefs, covered by so
                                                                                              much water that there was insufficient light.
C zones. The Shallow Shore extends from       C tourism, fisheries and shoreline protec-      Coral reefs can also be found in the deep sea
                                                                                              away from continental shelves, around oce-
the shoreline to about 30 feet in depth. An   tion. The annual global economic value of       anic islands and as atolls. The vast majority
excellent example is Bonaire, Netherlands     coral reefs was estimated at $375 billion in    of these islands are volcanic in origin. The
Antilles where the reef can extend onto the   2002. However, coral reefs are fragile eco-     few exceptions have tectonic origins where
shoreline. Platform Reefs (that we refer to   systems, partly because they are very sensi-    plate movements have lifted the deep ocean
as the Mid Reef ) extend from 30 to 50 feet   tive to water temperature and typically only    floor on the surface. Healthy tropical coral
and lack the structure of the Edge Reef (The  exist in waters surrounding the Equator.        reefs grow horizontally from 1 to 3 centim-
Towering Deep) that can extend to 180 feet.   They are under threat from climate change,      eters per year, and grow vertically anywhere
The age of the Mid Reef structure varies be-  oceanic acidification, blast fishing, cyanide   from 1 to 25 centimeters per year; however,
tween 1,000 and 10,000 years. Edge reefs,     fishing for aquarium fish, overuse of reef      they grow only at depths shallower than 150
characterized by the Great Towering Reefs     resources, and harmful land-use practices,      meters because of their need for sunlight,
of Cozumel, Mexico and the Cayman Islands     including urban and agricultural runoff and     and cannot grow above sea level. Live coral
are continuous structures rising into coral   water pollution, which can harm reefs by en-    are small animals embedded in calcium car-
peaks high above the edge of the drop off     couraging excess algal growth.                  bonate shells. It is a mistake to think of coral
zone and extending to a depth of 180 feet.                                                    as plants or rocks. Coral heads consist of
Edge Reefs can be hundreds of thousands of    M ost coral reefs were formed after the         accumulations of individual animals called
years old. They are magnificent structures            last glacial period when melting ice    polyps, arranged in diverse shapes. Polyps
and safely within range of the recreational   caused the sea level to rise and flood the      are usually tiny, but they can range in size
diving.                                       continental shelves. This means that most       from a pinhead to 30 centimeters across.
                                              coral reefs are less than 10,000 years old.
                                              As communities established themselves on
                                              the shelves, the reefs grew upwards, pacing
                                              rising sea levels. Reefs that rose too slowly
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