Page 234 - The Virgin Islands
P. 234

RED BLUFF POINT (THUMB ROCK) 20’-60’ (8-18m) Int. Large                  DEAD CHEST ISLAND
“Thumb” rock by Red Bluff Pt. has ledges, and patch reefs                BLONDE ROCK 10’-65’ (3-18m) Int.-Adv. Two pinnacles rise from
WRECK ALLEY 65’-85’ (20-26m) Adv. The MARY L., The BEATA,                65’ to 15’(18m-3m) depth with blonde-colored fire coral at top, and
and The PAT wrecks create great habitat for fishes and invertebrates.    thus the name. There are canyons and tunnels too.
Garden eels are found in the sand.                                       DEAD CHEST NORTH 15’-35’ (5-11m) Beg. At NE side of island
CISTERN POINT 10’-40’ (3-12m) Beg. Rocky point projects out on           there are coral gardens with overhangs with colorful sponges, Ber-
S side of the bay for excellent snorkeling. Anemones, queen angelfish,   muda chubs, squirrelfish, damsels, barracuda, and jawfish.
sergeant majors, and goatfish are common.                                DEAD CHEST WEST 15’-55’ (5-17m) Int. W side of island has spur
DRY ROCKS EAST 25’-85’ (8-27m) Adv. This open water site has             and groove terrain, with arches and caves full of all kinds of reef fish,
large pelagics. The rocky bottom has French angelfish, puffers, group-   coral shrimp, urchins and moray eels.
ers and hinds.                                                           DEAD CHEST NATIONAL PARK The infamous pirate Blackbeard
VANISHING ROCK 15’-45’ (5-14m) Int. Often undivable due to cur-          reputedly put 15 mutinous men on this island with only a bottle of
rents, this shallow reef has many corals, all kinds of reef rishes. One  rum. Hence the song, “Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest, Iyo ho, yo
area here is called “Sergeant Major City”.                               ho and a bottle of rum!”

RMS RHONE WRECK 20’-80’ (6-24m) Int.-Adv. One of World’s                 PAINTED WALLS 10’-40’ (3-12m) Beg.-Int. Famous box canyons at
best wreck dives is now a National Park. This was a 310’, 1865 Royal     end of rock ridge extending from Dead Chest have colorful sponges,
Mail Steamship (sail and steam power), which sank Oct. 29, 1867 in a     pillar coral, lots of reef fishes, and hawksbill turtles.
ferrocious hurricane with 300 passengers and crew. Only 1 passenger
and 22 seamen lived. Scenes from movie “The Deep” were filmed here.
Tons of fish, including nesting sergeant majors and squirrelfish, plus
colorful corals, sponges, lobsters, and Caribbean reef sharks are here.
Look for a pair of big barracuda called “Fang” and “Fred”. The ship
features swim throughs and is large enough for two+ dives.
INGANESS BAY 45’-80’ (14-24m) Int. 100’ cargo boat sunk in 1990’s
for a reef and wreck dive at 80’ (24m) on sandy bottom.
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