Page 3 - The Virgin Islands
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links to external information. describes Coral,
Sponges and Sea
The Virgin Islands are the Anegada. currency on both the British and
western island group of American Virgin Islands as well
the Leeward Islands, which are The U.S. Virgin Islands is one as the Spanish/Puerto Rican Vir-
the northern part of the Lesser of five inhabited insular ar- gin Islands.
Antilles, and form the border eas of the United States, along
between the Caribbean Sea and with American Samoa, Guam, Christopher Columbus
the Atlantic Ocean. Politically, Northern Mariana Islands, and
the eastern islands form the Brit- Puerto Rico. The territory com- named the islands after
ish Virgin Islands and the west- prises a number of islands in-
ern ones form the Virgin Islands cluding St. Croix, St. John, St. Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Vir-
of the United States. The British Thomas and Water Island. The
Virgin Islands is an overseas ter- Virgin Passage separates the gins (Spanish: Santa Úrsula y las
ritory of the United Kingdom American Virgin Islands from the
comprising approximately 60 is- so-called Spanish Virgin Islands Once Mil Vírgenes), shortened
lands and cays including Tortola, of Vieques and Culebra, which
Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke, and are part of Puerto Rico. The Unit- to the Virgins (las Vírgenes). The
ed States dollar is the official
official name of the British ter-
ritory is the Virgin Islands, and
the official name of the U.S. ter-
ritory is the Virgin Islands of the
United States.