Page 215 - French Polynesia
P. 215
C entral Park - Near the entrance to the Faruae Pass, there are feet just before the drop-off wall. The dive will proceed along the
sunken gardens of coral roses, schools of small fish and some wall and end back up on the coral gardens of the reef-face. Vibrant
other not so small. Dolphins and giant wrasses are common. and healthy coral specimens, the reef is a hatching and spawming
ground for fish. Along the drop-off are grey reef sharks and lagoon
G aruae Pass - The widest in Polynesia - about a mile long. World whitetip sharks, tuna, scads and manta rays.
renowned for its biodiversity, it is famous for currents, some-
times strong. A dive in this north pass will be an unforgettable ad- P ufana Reef - Located inside the lagoon, near the north pass,
venture. For reasons of security and visibility, dives are conducted and is shallower (down to 50 feet), the dive is ideal for begin-
in slack water or with inflowing currents in accord with the tides ners, training or supplementary dives. A good proliferation of flora
and with your diving experience. Giant specimens can appear at and fauna of the area. A wide variety of sharks are present.
any moment from beyond the fore-reef. In the pass entrance, you S hark’s Hole - Near the other end of Fakarava lies the Tuma-
will likely run into the famous Raira (gray reef shark) cruising by in kohua Pass. On the righ inner side of the pass is this narrow
packs. Be prepared for the Ali Baba canyon where the fish gather
to shelter from the currents. This dive is from around a 50-70 foot underwater valley, which in some times of the year is frequented
depth. It requires significant experience with strong currents and by lemon sharks, whitetip reef sharks, and hammerhead sharks
divers in full command of their buoyancy and ease of movements. (when in season).
World renowned for its biodiversity, it is famous for drift diving. T e Ava Nui - Remarkable structures of coral underwater. The
sight is similar to the Central Park one. Just outside the ocean-
M aiuru - To the left, leaving the pass, is the superb reef-flat at side of the Garuae Pass. Barracudas, napoleon wrasses and dol-
65 feet before reaching the sharp drop-off. A variety of cor-
als notably acroporas (table corals) and soft corals. Due to unex- phins.
pected currents, this dive recommended for the experienced diver.
O hotu Reef - On the right side upon leaving the Garuae pass is
a beautifil reef-flat at 40 feet, dipping gently to around 100