Page 226 - French Polynesia
P. 226
he most famous dive sites are in two lagoon passes and both tion, including giant shoals of trevally, tuna and barracuda. The at-
oll has a resident population of common bottlenose dolphins. The
T are just a short boat ride away. Most of the dives are drifts into dolphin pod has a reputation as one of the friendliest in the world,
with individuals often allowing divers to come within touching
the passes where you will find more fish life, in particular sharks, distance of them. They are exceptionally inquisitive, and many visi-
than almost anywhere else on this earth. The fish life really is stun- tors to Rangiroa report being accompanied by them throughout
ning with large numbers of sea turtles, dolphins, stingrays as well the dive. The real stars of Rangiroa diving however are the graceful
the divisity of sharks. The Pacific Ocean connects with Rangiroa’s manta rays that ride the atoll’s currents, to squadrons of beauti-
gigantic lagoon at the Avatoru Pass and Tiputa Pass, creating an ful spotted eagle rays, to the incredible concentrations of sharks
in-and-out flow that results in an unbelievably high concentration for which this destination is truly famous. Te breathtaking array
of marine life. of sharks, including grey reef sharks, silvertip sharks, silky sharks,
whitetip reef sharks, blacktip reef sharks, nurse sharks, tiger sharks
R angiroa’s two passes are the key to its unparalleled marine life, and great hammerheads is messmerizing. Wow!!!!
due to the strong incoming and outgoing currents that flow
through them every six hours with the fluctuating tide. The wide
diversity of marine species follow these currents in either direc-