Page 246 - French Polynesia
P. 246
uheiava - This dive is adaptable to divers of any level. Around urtle refuge - Escorted by dolphins, the dive boat anchors
T the large coral formations are a variety of fish including par- T above a dip in the sea floor used as a nocturnal refuge by sea
rotfish, trigger fish, groupers, moray eels and lionfish. Further turtles. This dip in the reef allows the diver to observe numerous
south, towards the end of the dive there is an explosion of multi- species in a small area. This is an easy dive in relatively shallow
colored corals. Napoleon wrasses are always near and manta rays waters (18 meters).
are frequently seen. Fly with the incoming current to the calm
enclosure of the lagoon. Along the way, you will encounter silver- S harks Hole - You will dive in a vertical break in the reef. The
tip sharks and whitetip reef sharks as well as napoleon wrasses, dive begins at 65 feet to join a depth of 165 feet where the
jacks, barracudas, tuna, sea turtles and moray eels. In the outgoing submarine fauna abounds. A wall of grey reef sharks are present
current, the south angle of the pass becomes the meeting point. at the beginning of the dive. Throughout the maze of holes and
Attempt to make out a leaffish or a stone fish hidden in the reef crevices a carpet of red, yellow and blue lined snapper, and soldier
bed while the sharks and barracudas wander above in the blue. fish. For the experienced diver, at about 165 feet, an arch connects
Following Tuheiava Pass’ currents, lots of different fish can be seen the two side of the gorge with clownfish in their anemone homes.
depending on how deep a diver is. The current flows on down This deep dive reserved for seasoned divers starts with a drop off
south to end up in a multicolored coralline paradise where there’s at the depth of 45 feet, The more aventurous brave up to 150 feet,
an increased chance of spotting a manta ray. where the famous “hole” begins - A vertical passage that hosts sea
anemones, clown fish and a wall of gray sharks. This is an excellent
T uheiava Pass - Also known as the “Te Ava Drift”, this dive lets spot for experienced divers, due to the architectural constructions
the current take the diver through the pass and into the la- that lie 50 meters and deeper. A vertiginous arc ties both sides of
goon, seeing all kinds of fish alongside the reef, to a quieter part the big break of the reef that creates this drop-off full of clownfish.
into the lagoon. The dive ends in a big fauna with moray eels and The reef is dwelled by all kinds of sharks as it name implies.