Page 69 - French Polynesia
P. 69

he water temp varies between 79-84.        whales and schools of dolphins.                   place to see corals and do wall dives and
                                                                                                  wreck dives. Shark feeding is also available.
T Visibility is typically 100ft +. Very little  I f you are one of those people, who are          Bora Bora, the most famous of the leeward
                                                   looking for something exceptional under-
current in the Society Islands makes for

great diving of all levels. You will find more water, then drift diving is a must. A fantastic islands, is well-known for its abundant

advanced diving in Rangiroa and Fakarava experience, drift diving is best enjoyed in              marine life - pelagics and manta rays. The

as the current can get quite strong thru the the Tuamotu and Rangiroa. Here, the diver is manta rays are often found solitary, but it’s

passes. Manihi & Tikehau do not have such carried by the ocean currents into the safety not uncommon to encounter groups of up

strong currents. Society Islands: Humpback of a lagoon, while taking in some truly mar- to 10 swimming in the shallow as well as

whale season in July-Oct. Rangiroa: Nov-Feb velous sights along the way. It gives one the deep waters and in strong currents running

is hammerhead season and September is           impression of flying through the ocean.           in and out as they feed through the passes

the best time to see mantas. Fakarava: June-    W ith over 100 dive sites in French Poly-         in the coral reef.
July is the best time to see huge schools of             nesia, it’s hard to describe any one as
groupers. Tikehau: July -Dec is the best time   the best. However, many people consider           M oorea is considered to be the top
for manta rays Manihi: June/July is grouper                                                                spot for diving in the Society Islands.

mating season & June-Dec the best time for Rangiroa to be one of the most superb dive Moorea’s coral reefs are well preserved with

mantas Nuku Hiva: Home to the pygmy orca. sites in the Pacific. Dominated by strong               abundant marine life and the visibility is

The best time to see them is January-April. ocean currents, Rangiroa is one of the larg- often greater than 130 feet.

The best time for hammerheads is June-Nov.      est atolls on the planet and phenomenal           R aiatea/Tahaa and Huahine diving is
                                                place to dive. You will see schools of fish,            excellent within the large Raiatea-Tahaa
A nd aside from the brilliant and varied        tuna, sharks, jacks, eagle rays, barracudas,      lagoon. The size of the lagoon and the
       marine life, you can even explore un-    dolphins, and sea turtles. The best places to

derwater shipwrecks off the coast of Tahiti dive in this atoll are at Shark Cave in Tiputa numerous passes offer plenty of diving op-

and Raiatea. For the more adventurous,          Pass, and at Mahuta in the Avatoru Pass.          portunities.
there are underwater shark-feeding expe-
ditions, as well as dives with manta rays,      T ahiti is the main island and the one
                                                     most people have heard of. It is a good
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