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We appreciate you purchasing the Central Amer- Explore the Sea
ica: Belize, Costa Rica and The Bay Islands of Hon- module of over 400
duras eBook and the hours of enjoyment in the web pages that
form of written text, maps, video, slideshows and describes Coral,
hyperlinks to external information. Sponges and Sea
he cayes (pronounced keys, the offshore at- drawing card. The archipelago offers some hen talking about scuba diving in
Costa Rica, Catalina Island is your
T Wolls, and the barrier reef are the main attrac- of the best diving in Central America, not to
tions in Belize. The barrier reef, which is 185 miles mention the chance to swim with dolphins best chance to swim with the Pacific Giant
long, is the longest in the Western Hemisphere. and come face to face with whale sharks. Mantas. The Islands are about 20 miles/30
The cayes are coral sand and/or mangroves is- This archipelago consists of several small is- km south of Playas del Coco. The Islands
lands, that are located between the mainland lands located 20 miles off the north coast of are known for huge schools of fish, large
and the barrier reef, on the barrier reef, and on or the country in the Caribbean Sea. They of- schools of Devil or Cow Nose Rays. Hump-
within the reef perimeters of the offshore atolls. fer opportunities to dive that are competi- back Wahle, Dolphins or Orca Whales are
The cayes and atolls provide superior opportuni- tive with some of the best sites in the world. occasionally sighted there. Bat Islands are
ty for SCUBA diving, snorkeling, fishing, boating, Three great islands to consider for diving in a world class dive location for advanced
sailing, sailboarding, and sea kayaking, as well as Honduras are Roatan, Utila, and Guanaja. divers in Costa Rica. One of the highlights
habitat for both nesting birds and turtles. Each Honduras Island offers a very differ- are the face to face encounters with massive
T he second-largest country in Central ent experience and each has its own unique bull-sharks, up to 12ft/3.5m. The season for
America – and also one of the poorest characteristics. Bat Islands trips is from May to end of Sep-
The Bay Islands are the country’s biggest