Page 220 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 220

HIGHWAY 1 The Keys feature a beautiful high-          National Park, and the Keys islands from Key Largo     ICAL STATE PARK The park is home to 84 species of
way running over islands and bridges from Key         to the Dry Tortugas.                                   plants and animals, including a large tract of rare
Largo to Key West. This stretch of Highway 1 has                                                             West Indian tropical hardwood hammock trees.
five distinct regions, each with their own charac-    KEY LARGO The Dive Capital of the World! The           Features over six miles of nature trails through
teristics and style. Mile markers begin with Zero     largest of the Florida Keys boasts the finest and      lush tropical forest. Entrance is on Monroe County
in Key West and go to 105 (MM105) in Key Largo.       most enchanting living coral reef in America at        Road 905, about one-half mile north of CR 905’s in-
From west to east the mile markers go through Key     John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, where            tersection with US Highway 1 at MM 106.
West, The Middle Keys, Marathon, Islamorada, and      divers and snorkelers endlessly explore the un-
Key Largo. This map shows, describes and locates      derwater world. Key Largo visitors also go sport       DOLPHIN COVE Swim with dolphins, tour the
the major attractions found in each area, with their  fishing in Florida Bay or the Everglades, wander       Everglades in a kayak, or tour the Everglades in a
respective mile marker locations.                     through historic Tavernier, bike nature trails, pet    boat. (877) 365-2683 (877) 365-2683 Located at
                                                      trained dolphins, or see the “African Queen” from      MM 101.9 (101900 Overseas Hwy) in the heart of
FLORIDA KEYS GEOGRAPHY The Florida Keys is a          the classic Bogart & Hepburn movie. KEY LARGO          Key Largo.
tropical archipelago consisting of 1,700 islands be-  POINTS OF INTEREST:
ginning at the southeastern tip of the Florida pen-                                                          DOLPHINS PLUS Swim with the dolphins, and with
insula, and arcing south-southwest to Key West,       JOHN PENNEKAMP CORAL REEF STATE PARK The               sea lions, and learn about marine mammals and
the westernmost of the inhabited islands, and on      first underwater park in the U.S.A. covers 63,000+     local marine ecosystems. (866) 860-7946 (866)
to the uninhabited Dry Tortugas. The islands di-      acres. Wonderful reefs and marine life are enjoyed     860-7946 Located at 31 Corrine Pl., Key Largo
vide Florida Bay from the Florida Straits and the     by scuba diving, snorkeling, or a glass bottom         (near MM 99).
Atlantic Ocean to the east, with the Gulf of Mexico   boat. A marvelous 30,000-gallon aquarium simu-
to the west. The tip of Key West is just 90 miles     lates the natural coral reef. Also features two short  FLORIDA KEYS WILD BIRD REHABILITATION CENT-
from Cuba. The total land area is 137 square miles,   hiking trails through the mangrove, a lovely beach,    ER Provides emergency and recuperative care for
with a population in excess of 80,000. One third      and great kayaking and canoeing. The park Visitor      injured wild birds. Features a nature trail alongside
of the population is in Key West, which is also the   Center is located at MM 102.5 (102601 Overseas         a bay. Bring your camera! (305) 852-4486 MM 93.6
seat of Monroe County, which consists of a section    Hwy) in Key Largo. (305) 451-1202 (305) 451-1202       (93600 Overseas Hwy) in Tavernier .
on mainland Florida almost entirely in Everglades     DAGNY JOHNSON KEY LARGO HAMMOCK BOTAN-
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