Page 3 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
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Portable Cards and eBooks The eBooks contain
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We appreciate you purchasing the USA Caribbean Explore the Sea
Isles eBook and the hours of enjoyment in the module of over 400
form of written text, maps, video, slideshows and web pages that
hyperlinks to external information. describes Coral,
Sponges and Sea
T S Lhe 120-mile Florida Keys
island chain is home to the
t. Croix’s north shore is one a Parguera is one of the rich-
of the best-kept secrets in est areas of the island of
continental United States’ only wall diving, and this site has two Puerto Rico when it comes to
living-coral barrier reef. This walls facing each other across number and variety of dive sites.
teeming backbone of marine a quarter mile of blue water. The Wall at Parguera alone offers
life runs the length of the Keys Hordes of reef fish swarm the such an abundance of diving
about five miles offshore and tops of the walls, deep-water that it could keep you busy for
offers Florida Keys scuba diving sea fans and black coral cling days on end. In our immediate
vacation memories that last a to the deeper sections, and big vicinity we have over 20 world-
lifetime. The coral formations animals like hammerheads and class dive sites, ranging from
are famous for their abundance black-tips sometimes make ap- coral head formations to caves
of fish. The U.S. government es- pearances. to steep walls. The Wall itself is
tablished the Florida Keys Na- over 22 miles long and ranges in
tional Marine Sanctuary to pro- depth from 60 to 1500 feet.
tect our marine habitat.