Page 34 - California Diving and Surfing
P. 34
P Balboa Bl. Mar guerite NEWPORT San James Dilley Aliso Viejo Golf Club Paseo La Paz
Balboa Pier Coast Dr.BEACH JoaquinGPrreeesnebrveelt Rd.
San Joaquin Hills TranspoArltisaotioGnlCerDnerwe.okod Dr. Rd.
Pelican "South Coast Wilderness" Franko's Map of 2007
P 1 Crystal De Valencia Cabot
THE WEDGE One of the most recognized & feared waves in Cove LAGUNA HILLS
the world, "The Wedge" seems to be a freak of nature, but it CorSotnaateDeBleMacahr Pelican Hill Hill Pkwy. Pkwy. Oso Pkwy.
s the angle of the jetty that causes even moderately sized S Golf Club State Park Oso
swells to transform into twice their potential. The wave itself
breaks as a horrendous shorepound, which given the right Rd. 73
conditions are two-fold magnified by the side-wave that bounces Pacific Newport
off of the west jetty. It is a spectacular A-frame when it's head UCnrdyesrtwalatCPeorveLPCaSorotskPaaatsTertrkainngcos Laguna Canyon Rd. Viejo Hills Alicia Rd. Marguerite Antonio Pkwy.
high+, & it sometimes gives a triple overhead+ spectator show. Filipero Rd.
Board riding of any sort is prohibited May 1 - Oct. 31 from 10a.m. PELICTARENAPSOUIRNETCOVE ALISO Corridor Pkwy. 5 ORANGE COUNTY
BIG CORONA EAST JETTY Corona Del Mar is almost impossible to score. When the CrescentEBmaEeyrmalAeIrdbraavllPiEdooniLnenBEetaCVPyoAoviTentORELS MORO Refer to Laguna Pacific Crown Valley Pkwy.
swell is pushing eight feet plus everywhere else Corona Del Mar will be barely breaking. HeBioslaetrCPaanrykonFranko's Map of the Coast Dr. The Shops Printed on Durable, Waterproof Synthetic Paper
However, with a Giant SW or NW swell the east jetty may create one of the most BROOKTSSHTSA.TL.IAANNS’TS..South Coast WildernessWilderness at Mission Viejo
memorable waves of your life as well shaped rights & lefts bounce off the jetty to produce Highway Park La Paz SIDE 1
ong, powerful rides with only a few diehards out. Cross your fingers. Advanced. Seal Beach to
BIG CORONA BEACH Usually flatter than anywhere else during any W swell because it 133 Corona del Mar
faces south & the jetty blocks the swell. S & SW swells come directly into the beach &
usually close out. This place is best for tourists, bodysurfers & skimboarding kids. Body- SIDE 2
boarding can be a fast, furious & dangerous for the typical beach visitors when it's head high. Corona del Mar
San Onofre
LITTLE CORONA Fun knee-high waves for bodysurfing & bodyboarding, but it only Wood Cyn. Rd.
breaks good on a serious S swell. On those days, heavy right barrels head directly over
a rocky reef, so the ride is short, even if it is sweet. When it gets much overhead it's
dangerous because of the rocks. Intermediate.
CRYSTAL COVE The State Park has great breaks on it's north end, including TREASURE COVE &
PELICAN POINT (foremerly HORSE RANCH), plus BONEYARD & RIVERMOUTH at the Historic Aliso Creek Rd.
District 1930's Beach Cottages. Pelican Point has three parallel reefs as you go further out. The
State Park also has breaks at its south end, including A-FRAMES & SAMMY'S right above REEF Saddleback
Laguna Niguel College
swells, or macking New Zealanders, the north end of the cove, including Sammy's & A-Frames can Metrolink
produce a quarky left point impersonation, puncuated by endless boils. Most of the time Scotchman's Laguna
Cove is a typical, weak beachbreak. El Moro is a small beach break much of the time, but when the LAGUNA Niguel PkAwvye.ry Creek
swell is double-overhead, this break becomes a classic barrel, especially the big lefts at Elevators BEACH Reg. Park
near the cliff wall on the S end of the beach. It can get dangerous out there with size, use caution.
This spot is rated Intermediate to Advanced. Main Beach Aliso & Wood
CRESCENT BAY This is much better diving territory than surfing, but the
close-outs make for exciting bodysurfing for a gazillion tourists, &
skimboarding is great for kids. Thalia St. Canyon Dr. Canyons Highlands Alicia Pkwy. LAGUNA Rancho Trabuco
Bluebird Regional. Park NIGUEL
ROCKPILE Laguna is famous amongst surfers for never breaking, except
AVERAGE WATER TEMPERATURES for the shorebreaks that bodyboarders & bodysurfers enjoy. However,
San Dana Newport when it is on, Rockpile at Heisler Park creates a most scenic, extraordinary
Clemente Point heavy right with a take-off right in front of a protruding rock & a rocky Street
57 Beach slalom to add to the challenge. Advanced.
January 57
February 58 57 58 MAIN BEACH Summer waves are usually small & break right on the beach. Park St.
March 57 60 They are usually unsurfed except by bodysurfing & bodyboarding visitors,
59 60 who congregate here from everywhere in the world. When the surf picks up, Aliso Creek Ave. Viejo San
Aliso Beach Ortega
April 59 62 61 the beach break closes out, & these visitors have a chance to learn what Nig uel Dr. JSuenrirpaerRod.&MCaorbunetllray Golf
May 61 63 64 "going over the falls" can do to them. Club Creek
June 63 66 66 Marina Hills of 74JHuwayn.
July 66 68 69 STREET BEACHES THALIA ST. needs a large S swell to work, but is a
August 68 68 69 fun reef break when it does. ST. ANN'S is a hollow reef break too, when Pacific CRadm. inoCapistrano Club Dr. For more fabulous Franko’s Surfing Maps, visit:
September 66 67 68 it is on. Both are good bodyboard spots. BROOKS ST. is usually the best
waves in Laguna Beach with a powerful left breaking over a jagged reef.
October 64 65 65 The larger the S or SW swell the better. Brooks Street's take-off zone the
November 61 62 62 moves out to a second and even a third reef when it's pumping and the tide Rd.
December 59 59 60 is low. A sharp, unforgiving reef is evident by multiple boils and warpy Island Golf
impressions coming up the face. Figure out where these spots pop up before San Juan Creek Rd.
South Laguna Skimboarders you paddle out and you'll not only have a better time, but your skegs will El Niguel Salt Creek Golden
thank you for it. Heavily localized so mind your own business and don't do Country Club Regional Park
anything foolish. Pay close attention to the line-up and you could score some
gems. Best Season: Summer/Direction: S, SW/Size: 6'-10'/Tide: Medium/ Dr.
Wind: E/Bottom: Rock, Sand/Rating: Advanced.
Lantern S.J.C. Novia
PEARL STREET Only a few locals have the patience to wait for a Station Ave.
Julianna Gia good surfing day here, but the local skimboarders have a haven, Camino Del
especially at low tide. SAN JUAN
VICTORIA BEACH: Not much chance to surf on this heavy duty shore
break, but it sure makes for the best skim boarding around. 1
Monarch Beach
ALISO BEACH Fast shorebreak popular with advanced bodyboarders
who welcome the heavy barrels & backwash punch. Aliso is most known
0 1 2 as the home of the "Annual Unofficial Skimboarding Contest".
Avion La
San Juan Hills
Miles THOUSAND STEPS Another Laguna shorepound that is good for a few Golf Links Del Obispo St.
012 daring bodyboarders, but mostly for the skim boarders. In fact, some Golf Course
claim this is the best skimming beach of all. SBaeltacChrePeakrk
Kilometers SALT CREEK Located at PCH & Ritz Calrton Dr. Three surf breaks GMRIATDVHDEELLESPSOINT Stonehill Dr.
SCALE here are called GRAVELS, MIDDLES, & THE POINT:. Shifting sand Selva Rd.
& gravel changes Gravels into board-busting barrels in knee-deep water POINT
The Danson Sisters at the whim of nature, otherwise it is an unsurfable closeout. Although Ramblas Mares
authors of Sun,Sand & Surf it's a huge closeout, during the right swell and angle it can turn on into PCH
The Ultimate Guide to Orange County Beaches some of the squarest tubes imaginable. Don't ride your new board out
there as dings, buckles, and outright breaks are the norm. Middles is Dana Point
Photos by Gia Danson a virtual skatepark, full all year of left & right peaks over a sandy BSetarcahnPdark DANA BreakwHataerrbor Camino Las ShorLeosCCliafmf ino
bottom. Summer blackballing turns this into a bodyboarder favorite. 5 Golf Course
The Point, which is at the S end of the beach, has a ridiculously narrow
take-off zone, and comes to life on large southwest swells and east winds.
COTTONS Located just north of the Trestles beach trail. APrvReeRs.TeDrdaeecknl ste Orange/San Diego It is always crowded and hard to get waves but most of the time it's STTHAIERPSOIDNTana Point Camino Talega
During S and SW swells at head high+, Cottons is one of the El Camino Real County Line worth the hassle. De Golf Club
best kept secrets on the coast. It used to be popular with
the big name surfers in the 60's. Cottons' left point break Christianitos Rd. Marine Corps Base Camp DANA STRANDS Surfing here requires a quad-burning hike down an Doheny State BeacChoaCsatpistrHanwo yB.eachCPaaprkistranoEstCraelml.aDe Vera Hermosa
and long left walls are great for longboards, but usually go elongated set of stairs. Located at PCH & Selva Rd., there are two surf breaks: Vista Cruz
unmolested. Summer sea breezes can blow Cottons out, so it Trestles State Beach Parking Joseph H. Pendleton STAIRS & THE POINT. Stairs is a reef break between the beach entry & RSIBEVCOFEIONRRENSMYDTAOSRUSPDTPOSHOTT Camino Avenida Pacific
should be ridden in the morning. The bottom is sand and rock. the Point to the south. It is best at high tide on S swell. The Point has great Golf Club
Best season is Summer, with S & SW swells at 5’-8’ on a medium bodyboarding at the S end of the beach. La Plata
tide. An east wind makes conditions even better.
OBlidke10Pa1th Paved Trail to Trestles State Beach DOHENY At PCH and Dana Harbor Dr. there are four surf breaks here called Pico
pre-1970 was THE premier surf spot of California, until the harbor was built.
Now, instead of Pipeline tubes, you get small, slow, mushy surf. An ideal beginner's Avenida
UPPER TRESTLES Uppers is a rock reef with three take-offs. wave, Doheny is a favorite among longboarders & families alike. The waves here
Most surfers like the long right off the point, but there are still Cerro
two other peaks that hold their own even when it's small. Before 5 San Mateo are always smaller than surrounding areas because of jetty blockage; however, Avenida
paddling out, weigh the options - you won't be disappointed. Heavy Canyon Basilone Rd. Doheny is still perfectly suited for long, mellow rides no matter what the size.
crowds, but they're peaceful. Best in summer S and SW swells at RR Trestles The bottom consists of both sand and rock so be careful out there if it's low
3’-6’ size and medium tide. Rock and sand bottom. Intermediate Camp Pendleton Beach Resort tide. Rating: Beginner/Daily Surf Report/Webcam. SAN CLEMECNalTleEAveMnoidnataVnaista
to expert. Valid Military ID required for Prima Camino
camping at this bodyboarding KILLER CAPO Rarely breaking peak right in front of private homes 30’ Deshecha
beach right next to San Onofre on empty Capistrano State Beach. Often a big shorebreak, but when Real
State Beach parking. the S or W swell is double-overhead high it won't close out.
LOWER TRESTLES Lowers is one of the most high-performance waves San Onofre State Park Entry Intermediate plus. 60’ Co.
in the world. Trestles lives up to the hype. Solid S and SW groundswells RR Trestles Old Pay $10 here to enter and park El Co.
transform the rock strewn point into every surfer's dream wave, with 120’ Canada Beach
100-yard rights shooting down the line begging for punishment. Even Hwy.along beach. 300’
when the swell isn't raging Lowers still offers lengthy rights and punchy 600’ SanOrDaineggeo
lefts, suited for multiple tail-sliding hits off the top. If you’re comfortable POCHE At PCH and Camino Capistrano, S swells gives an outside left
surfing in a crowd, and don't mind the long walk to the beach, this is the or right break over a rock reef, & a reforming inside break for shortboards
place. Best in Summer in S & SW swells 2’ to double-overhead high, medium
tide, with east wind. Intermediate to expert.
CHURCH (CHURCHES) Long sloping right point broken into several
12'18' StSaatne 101 San or longboards. Rating: Intermediate.
30' Onofre
THE POINT OBenaocfhre Nuclear San
60' OLD MAN'S Power Clemente
Plant 204 BEACH Off Avenida Aragon a long stairway leads to beach Matrolink Lane
with generally tame, mushy waves. However, with a big S swell the
take-offs. Rare giant NW swells can connect the sections for an amazing, waves transform into a screaming barrel. Advanced.
long ride. Church is loaded with zealous longboarders, but the atmosphere DOG PATCH SStaanteOPnaorfkre Strands and the Ritz Carlton Hotel LINDA LANE Just out from Linda Lane Park, near Palizada & Seville Travalgar San Clemente Cristianos Rd.
is very friendly. SIRENS just N of the pier, a long line of beach breaks is great, mostly for Municipal
MIDDLES Uncrowded longboarder rights, plus NUKES bodyboarding. Surfing is blackballed from 11a.m. to 5p.m. all summer. San Clemente Pier
Trains roar over the trestles at some left waves. This break likes W swells best. Diego Golf Course
70 mph - this is why surfers should AvenidaEDl CelamPriensoideRnSetaaeSnl tCalteemBeenatceh
CAMP PENDLETON BEACH RESORT Bodyboarding or swimming only. SAN CLEMENTE PIER: Typical beachbreak on both sides of the pier. Califia Beach
STAY OFF THE TRESTLES! Tons of military personnel and their families camp and play here. Rating: Intermediate/Daily Surf Report/Webcam.
when going to and from the beach
SAN ONOFRE Lots of Orange County surfers go here, but it is actually in San T STREET (TRAFALGAR STREET) T Street is a complicated set of reefs
County. Great camping and hang out spot for wave-hungry travelers. San Onofre offers and sand which produces some of the most consistent & often performance-
THE POINT, OLD MAN'S, DOG PATCH, NUKES, SIRENS and TRAILS. The Point is TRAILS minded waves along the coast. There are three main areas to surf depending
on the swell direction, each one offering everything from fast, down the line
a good right break, popular with the older guys. Old Man's is a longboarder spot, which surfing to slow, gutless mush. When it's micro everywhere else give T Street
breaks way out and then reforms to break again inside. Dog Patch is just S of Old Man's a check & you're bound to find a little something. Bodyboarding 11a.m. until
and is mushy beginner surf. This entire north end of San Onofre State Beach is the 6p.m. all summer. Rating: Intermediate/Daily Surf Report.
perfect surfers paradise to bring a cooler and your family, along with your longboard,
of course, and just relax. However, it is always crowded, so don’t expect to surf alone.
Nukes is a break over the ocean water coolant pipes to the nuclear power plant. Sirens
is just S of Nukes and offers fun peaks and clean sections. Trails is a less accessible
break, but fun peaks and clean sections at low tide make it worth going for.
Photo by Franko 0 SCALE 1 Trestles and San Onofre Detail RIVIERA Located at Avenida la Costa. Breaks in all flavors of swell due to
STATUTE MILES sand bar created by stream runoff. Numerous breaks disperses crowd.
Some barrels.
TRESTLES (See Details on upper left of this map)
Copyright 2007 by Frank Nielsen, Franko Maps, Ltd. Corona, California email: website: The Creator and Seller of This Map is in No Way Responsible for Injury, Damage, or Violation of the Law in Connection with the Use of this Map.