Page 230 - Visitor Guides
P. 230
Parque Nacional / National Park
Central Volcano Range
Biosphere Reserve Main attractions: Poor Man’s Umbrella trail Botos Lagoon trail: Regulaciones / Regulations
Conservation Area
The park offers facilities for disabled Measuring some 2,000 ft. long and a 10- This trail takes visitors about 30 minutes to
people, as well as tour guide services in the 15 minute hike, this trail leads visitors to a hike and measures 2,640 ft. in length. • Los Parques Nacionales se crearon Volcan
Poas Volcan early morning and at night. spectacular lookout point of the Poás Volcano’s This trail takes visitors into the cloud forest recursos naturales, por lo tanto no es
con el fin de proteger nuestros
main crater where you can observe the circular
Visitors can also observe majestic and depression measuring 4,330 f. in diameter and where a great variety of plant species can permitido extraer plantas, animales, This land belongs to all
rocas y otros materiales del lugar.
National Park impressive scenic views from various sites 131 ft. deep with a lagoon rich in sulfur and be observed and leads to Botos Lagoon. • National parks were created to Costa Ricans, some have Poas
along the trails that the park offers. acids. This lagoon is an old crater measuring 46 protect our natural resources.
ft. deep and 1,312 ft. in diameter providing Therefore, removing plants, animals, already died, others are
There are an abundance of epiphytes, tree- There are many fumaroles to observe, which crystal-clear, cold water to the park. rocks, and other wildlife is prohibited.
The Poás Volcano National Park was shape ferns, and Poor man’s umbrella along serves to show the consistent activity this still living …
created on January 25th, 1971. It is an the trails which offers visitors a unique volcano has. North of the main crater is the Escalonia trail: • Respete y cumpla la señalización But the majority has
active composite volcano with a conical experience upon entering the Poás Volcano Von Frantzius cone, the oldest eruptive focal establecida. Tiene un propósito muy
shape and various caldera depressions National Park. point at the top of the mammoth formation. This 1,700 ft. long trail takes 20 minutes to importante, para su seguridad y la Yet to be born
conservación de los recursos.
in the upper half. Between 1953 and hike and leads visitors into the heart of the • Obey the signs posted. They play a
1955 there were a series of strombolian forest where a variety of birds and flora can very important role in your safety and Anonymous
eruptions. be observed, as well as the majestic forest in the conservation of the natural
itself. resources.
This protected wildlife area ranges from
4,000 ft. to 8,860 ft. above sea level, at • Alimentar a los animales y dejar
its highest point. Its 16,000 acres protects Access Routes residuos en el camino puede alterar
species of flora and fauna, as well as an su dieta y conducta. ¡Evitémoslo!
important water resource. Its majestic • In order to get to the park, take the • Feeding animals and leaving behind
forests are represented by rainforest, national route No.2 San José – Alajuela, trash on the trails can adversely affect
their diet and behavior. Don’t do it!
and lowland humid rainforest, which are San Isidro – Fraijanes – Poás Volcano: (30
divided into four main habitats: cloud miles). • El ingreso de animales domésticos
forest, rainforest, stunted or short forests, pone en riesgo la vida silvestre. Su
and areas with scarce vegetation around • Another option is to take the San Pedro ingreso no es permitido.
the crater. de Poás, Fraijanes, Poás Volcano route, • Bringing in domestic pets puts the
if in Alajuela: (33 miles). wildlife in danger. Pets are not
The park has a great diversity of fauna, allowed.
particularly its rich bird species wildlife • All routes are paved and in good
with 79 bird species recorded. Some condition. • El consumo de alimentos en el área
del cráter y de la Laguna Botos no
of the species noted are: sooty robin, es permitido; utilice las áreas de
hummingbirds, quetzal, Rufous-collared almuerzo establecidas. Laguna Botos y Cráter Principal
sparrow, and Yellow-thighed finch. Horario de Atención / Open Hours • Food consumption around the crater Fotografía: Carlos Berrocal
There have also been a number of and Botos Lagoon is not permitted.
mammals identified like shrews, weasels, De 8:00 a.m. a 3:30 p.m. Use the established meal areas.
porcupines, rabbits, squirrels, as well as Todos los días. Everyday.
common flora species like Poor man’s • El agua en Parque Nacional no es
umbrella (gunera insingnsi), tree-shaped potable.
ferns, and bromeliads, among others. • The water in the park is not potable.
Sendero Botos
Fotografía: Fernando Bermúdez