Page 60 - Visitor Guides
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                                                                                               Quality leadership is the key to a great trip and distinguishes Island Expeditions trips from the rest.
                                                                                               Our leaders - far and away the most experienced in Belize - are true professionals, taking great
                                                                                               pride and personal pleasure in sharing and creating memorable travel experiences for you. With

                                                                                               backgrounds as biologists and teachers, photographers, fishermen and explorers, they are able to
                                                                                               provide in depth knowledge of  the regions and cultures we explore. Our remote wilderness trips
                                                                                               are led by specially licensed Belizean guides and North American group leaders. This means that
                                                                                               you are venturing to the remote islands and into the rainforests with Belizean guides who have a
                                                                                               wealth of  experience and skill encompassing local knowledge, bushcraft, languages, cultures and

                                                                                               customs of  Belize, along with leaders who are trained to North American standards with skills
                                                                                               such as Wilderness First Aid, Swiftwater Rescue and kayak instruction. Most importantly, your IEC
                                                                                               guiding team’s consideration for your safety, their fun nature and enthusiasm to teach what they

                                                                                               know are those leadership qualities that create great trips! We invite you to meet more of  our guides
                                                                                               by visiting
                                                                                                     Much of  the success of  your adventure depends on the skill and dedication of  the behind-the-
                                                                                               scenes teams. Here we honour our highly regarded cooks who keep us all happy with great food,

                                                                                               our equipment managers who find solutions to any problem, boat captains and drivers who always
                                                                                               know the way, and our camp assistants that are always willing and able. They are: Rio, Alex and Alex,
                                                                                               Phillip, Marta, Bol, Wasani, Kerry, Mud, K-Mike, Javier, Andrew, Adolfo Ramona and the porter team
                                                                                               at Maya Center.

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