Page 45 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 45
General Information
The eBooks contain
links to the 3DAVI
From its lush tropical landscapes, towering Explore the Sea
module of over 400
mountains, diverse cultural mix, volcanoes, web pages that
describes Coral,
scuba diving, humpback whales and world re- Sponges and Sea
nowned surfing; Hawaii is a true paradise. You
also can view for free “3D Coral Reef Aquarium”.
the last is the largest and is often called the an Asian plurality. It and Arizona are the
T “Big Island” to avoid confusing the island only two states that do not observe daylight
with the state or archipelago. The archipelago is saving time, and Hawaii and Alaska are the
physiographically and ethnologically part of the only two states that are not in the contigu-
Polynesian subregion of Oceania. ous United States.
awaii is the 8th smallest, the 11th least
H populous, but the 13th most densely
populated of the 50 U.S. states. Hawaii’s
ocean coastline is about 750 miles (1,210
km) long, which is fourth in the United
States after those of Alaska, Florida and
awaii is the only U.S. state not located
H in the Americas and the only state with