Page 51 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 51
History of Hawaii
he earliest settlements in the Hawaiian tion to Hawaii. The “one-migration” theory by Tahitians. Polynesians from the Marque-
T Islands are generally believed to have suggests a single settlement. A variation on sas Islands first set foot on Hawaii Island ap-
been made by Polynesians who reached the one-migration theory instead suggests proximately 1,500 years ago. With only the
Hawaii using large double-hulled canoes. a single, continuous settlement period. Sev- stars to guide them, they sailed over 2000
They brought with them pigs, dogs, chick- eral “multiple migration” theories exist. One miles in canoes to migrate to the Islands.
ens, taro, sweet potatoes, coconut, banana, variation suggests that the original migra- 500 years later, settlers from Tahiti arrived,
sugarcane, and other plants and animals. tion could have been followed by settlers bringing their beliefs in gods and demi-gods
Roughly Several theories describe migra- from the Marquesas Islands, and then later and instituting a strict social hierarchy.