Page 80 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 80

n 1766 the Royal Society engaged Cook   that James Cook made first contact with an   search for the hypothetical Terra Australis.
   I to travel to the Pacific Ocean to observe   aboriginal tribe known as the Gweagal.  Cook commanded HMS Resolution on this
   and record the transit of Venus across the                                   voyage, while Tobias Furneaux commanded
   Sun. Cook, at the age of 39, was promoted   fter his departure from Botany Bay he   its companion ship, HMS Adventure. Cook’s
   to lieutenant and named as commander of  A continued northwards. On 11 June a   expedition circumnavigated the globe at
   the expedition. The expedition sailed from   mishap occurred when the Endeavour ran   extreme southern latitude, becoming one
   England on 26 August 1768, rounded Cape   aground on a shoal of the Great Barrier   of the first to cross the Antarctic Circle (17
   Horn and continued westward across the   Reef, and then “nursed into a river mouth   January 1773).
   Pacific to arrive at Tahiti on 13 April 1769,   on 18 June 1770”. The ship was badly dam-
   where the observations of the Venus Transit  aged and his voyage was delayed almost   ook almost encountered the mainland
   were made. Once the observations were   seven weeks while repairs were carried out  C of Antarctica, but turned towards Tahiti
   completed, Cook opened the sealed orders   on the beach (near the docks of modern   to resupply his ship. He then resumed his
   which were additional instructions from the  Cooktown, Queensland, at the mouth of the  southward course in a second fruitless at-
   Admiralty for the second part of his voyage:  Endeavour River). The voyage then contin-  tempt to find the supposed continent. On
   to search the south Pacific for signs of the   ued, sailing through Torres Strait and on 22   this leg of the voyage he brought a young
   postulated rich southern continent of Terra   August Cook landed on Possession Island,   Tahitian named Omai, who proved to be
   Australis. Cook sailed to New Zealand and   where he claimed the entire coastline that   somewhat less knowledgeable about the
   mapped the complete coastline, making   he had just explored as British territory.    Pacific than Tupaia had been on the first
   only some minor errors. He then voyaged   Cook’s journals were published upon his   voyage. On his return voyage to New Zea-
   west, reaching the south-eastern coast of   return, and he became something of a hero   land in 1774, Cook landed at the Friendly
   Australia on 19 April 1770, and in doing so   among the scientific community.   Islands, Easter Island, Norfolk Island, New
   his expedition became the first recorded                                     Caledonia, and Vanuatu. Before returning
   Europeans to have encountered its eastern   hortly after his return from the first   to England, Cook made a final sweep across
   coastline. Cook and crew made their first  S voyage, Cook was promoted in August   the South Atlantic from Cape Horn and
   landfall on the mainland of the continent at  1771, to the rank of commander. In 1772   surveyed, mapped and took possession for
   a place now known as Botany Bay. It is here   the Royal Society commissioned him to   Britain of South Georgia.
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