Page 88 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 88
Hawaii Guide Map
NOTE: All “things to see and do” depicted on this map are genuine at (808) 889-6000. Cowboys of Hawaii at Parker Ranch will take you
favorites of Franko and friends. There is no paid advertising on this out onto the range on motorized ATVs, or on hooved ATVs. (808)
map. Use this map and our recommendations at your own risk. We 885-6755
make no warranties expressed or implied. Therefore, if you decide to BIRD WATCHING Although Hawaii is the endangered bird capital
snowboard down Mauna Kea, you are on your own! For more infor- of the world there are extraordinary birding opportunities on The Big
mation about my maps visit Your comments Island, including Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, and Mauna Kea’s
and suggestions for improvements are welcome. Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, the first such refuge for for-
est bird management, plus the Hilo Ponds by the airport.
HAWAII DIVING There are famous dive sites with boat moorings,
PARKER RANCH Once the world’s largest cattle ranch, is where the as well as beautiful shore entries for scuba and snorkeling all along
paniolo (cowboy) tradition began in 1809. Enjoy the Parker Ranch the Kona, Kohala and Kawaihae Coasts. The leeward side of the Big
Museum and Visitor Center, ATV and equestrian tours, plus big Island has great diving all year. Hawaii has fabulous, colorful rocky
game hunting excursions on the open range of the vast Parker Ranch. reefs full of corals and over 400 species of fish. Over 100 of these
(808)885-7311 species are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, and some occur only
in Big Island waters. The visibility is usually excellent, and the water
PU’UKOHOLA HEIAU This sacred temple was built by King Kame- is generally warm enough all year for only a light wetsuit. There are
hameha I in 1791, after a priest predicted the king would unify the many dive operators to take you diving. One of the best scuba diving
islands. The phophecy was finally fulfilled in 1810. Puukohola means experiences in the world is night diving to see manta rays on the Kona
“whale hill”. This is a National Historic Site with a visitors center. Coast. There is also good diving on the Hilo, or windward side of Ha-
(808) 882-7218 waii. There a diver can find dozens of green sea turtles and a myriad
of fish in relatively untouched reefs. Highlights of the Big Island’s
KOHALA COFFEE MILL & TROPICAL DREAMS ICE CREAM extraordinary dive sites are shown on this map. However, details of all
First rate ice cream (like Tahitian vanilla), 100% Kona coffee, plus of the Big Island’s great diving and snorkeling locations can be found
macadamia-nut tortes, lilikoi bars, Hawaiian honey and Hawaiian on Franko’s Dive Map of Hawaii.
gifts are for sale. It is all good! In Hawi, off Hwy. 270.
ATV TOURS Take a ride to some of Hawaii’s out-of-the-way places,
from mountains to sea. For North Kohala tours contact either Kukui
ATV and Adventures at (808) 775-1701, or ATV Outfitters Kohala