Page 108 - Melanesia
P. 108

otham City - Two pinnacles in the middle of Castaway Pas-             lantation Pinnacles This site is made up of three deep water

G sage, Gotham City is often subject to strong currents. The           P pinnacles with swim- throughs, lots of large roaming fish, like
site is so named after the batfish that live around these pinnacles. grey reef sharks, barracuda, while the top ofthe coral reef is cov-

Present are schools of bluestriped snappers, moray eels, bump-         ered in clown fish.

head wrasses and large groupers. Pelagics such as bluefin trevally,    S even Sisters - Easy dive at a depth of 2–14 meters. A colorful
spanish mackerels and barracuda are also present. The soft corals           hard coral reef that makes for a relaxed snorkel or easy dive.
are every color of the rainbow.

J ackies Reef - For 35 years the resort has been fish feeding here     The reef is home to many different species of hard coral and giant
    from coral viewing boats and this has bought about a fish          clams. Small reef fish are plentiful and include: sergeant majors,
                                                                       snappers, goatfish, red sea bass, bluefin trevally, hawksbill sea

population of great diversity and abundance. Both large and small turtles and whitetip reef sharks.

reef fish, both solo and in huge schools, allow a rare opportunity     S alamanda Shipwreck - The Salamanda is a decommissioned, 40
to see all these fish at one shallow, easy and close dive site.             metre cruise ship that we sank in 30 metres of water. Diving on
                                                                       a shipwreck is always an exciting dive. The vessel is now covered
N amotu Wall - The stunning Namotu coral cay stands perched            in soft corals and sea anemones. Shrimps and crabs in some of the
       on the edge of a 1000 meter plunge into the depths of the Pa-
cific Ocean. Diving here on the outer reef slopes is spectacular. The sea anemones have produced a number of prize winning photo-

prolific fish life, the visibility (normally 25-50 meters), reef sharks, graphs.

sea turtles and schools of barracuda.                                  T he Outer Limits - Advanced/Intermediate dive (16–18m) A
                                                                            calm weather site where Mana Passage meets the open Pacific.
N orth Reef - Superb hard corals adorn this reef including bom-        Drift a steep wall with lots of snapper, soft corals and fields of fu-
       mies. Acropora corals, staghom corals, giant plate corals in a
variety of color.                                                      siliers, barracuda, spanish mackerels, surgeonfish and redtoothed

                                                                       triggerfish. Look into the blue for eagle rays, whitetip reef sharks

                                                                       and grey reef sharks.
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