Page 114 - Melanesia
P. 114

lue Coral Reef - Easy dive (6–16 meters) - Blue Coral reef is famous        clean. Where You can find the harlequin shrimps, you may also find a
                                                                                  moray eel or octopus being cleaned.
B world wide amongst marine biologists. Up until November 2005
                                                                                  T okoriki Wall - Easy dive (12–18 meters) - Shallow and sheltered,
it was thought that Heliopora Caerulea, or blue coral, did not exist in                 two minutes from Tokoriki and yet covered in coral and great fish
Fiji. It was discovered growing on this reef just five minutes away from          life. Dives start and end at the mooring making for easy descents and
Tokoriki, and as yet remains the only discovered reef in Fiji where blue          ascents. When the tide runs in a brisk current creates a frenzy of activity
coral grows. What gives this coral its name is not its exterior colour, but       amongst the myriad reef fish that make this reef their home. Tokoriki
its skeleton.                                                                     Wall is also an excellent night dive location. Whitetip reef sharks are of-
                                                                                  ten seen as well as crustaceans, octopus, feathery crinoids, nudibranchs,
M agic Mushrooms - (Giant Clams Site) - Easy dive (12–20 meters)                  pleurobranchs, sea pens and tube worms.
         Less than five minutes from Tokoriki, Magic Mushrooms is a small
coral platform reef that rises to within 6 meters of the surface. The shal-       T okoriki South Wall - Easy dive (12 meters) - A shallow, sheltered easy
lows have good hard corals, with the walls and ledges beautiful soft                    going dive for the beginner, or certified diver who wants something
corals. Large mushroom shaped massive corals give this site its unique            simple. Dense coral cover blankets the shallow drop off, whilst out on
nature. The undercuts between these structures are home to a variety of           the sand are hundreds of coral outcrops teeming with small reef fish.
creatures: bluespotted stingrays, banded pipefish, sweetlips, semicircle          Look on the sand for sting rays, shells and holothurians and to the reef
angelfish to name a few. This site boasts many endemic species of fish            for parrotfish, wrasses, blue green chromis and damselfish.
and giant clams and is a fascinating macro dive site. Magic Mushrooms is
of scientific interest due to the PADI Project AWARE funded “planting” of         W ilson’s Point - Easy dive at a shallow (5 –14 meters) is great for
the endangered Tridacna Gigas giant clam. This site is unique to Fiji.                      those just starting out, due to its close proximity to land, shal-
                                                                                  low depth and sheltered location; but also for more experienced divers
N orth Reef - Easy/Intermediate dive (6–20 meters) - Coral encrusted              looking for something a bit different. Boasting cleaning stations, unusual
        pinnacles abutting a large shallow reef. Rich fish life and sea turtles.  sand dwellers and a stunning coral reef plateau.

S hrimptastic - Intermediate dive (22 meters) - Sitting just off Tokoriki
      Wall, this small pinnacle provides a unique dive for macro lovers.
Corallomorphs, glass fish, durban hingebeak shrimp, pipefish ghost
shrimps and white banded cleaner shrimp offer a manicure or teeth
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