Page 121 - Melanesia
P. 121
T he mile-long, 110-acre island of Namenalala, located off the with other community leaders, began to advocate for increased
southwest coast of Vanua Levu, is surrounded by one of Fiji’s protection of traditional fishing grounds. In 1997, the traditional
most pristine reef ecosystems,the Namena Marine Reserve. Na- resource owners decided to completely ban commercial fishing to
mena’s reefs are world-class diving destinations, and the island protect their reefs and fish stocks for future generations. This act
and reef are home to a variety of rare fish and bird species, as well was the first of its kind in Fiji. To replace lost cash income from the
as seasonal sea turtle nesting sites. In the mid 1980s, community sale of fishing licenses, the fishing committee agreed to introduce
members began noticing drastic declines in fish due to intensive a “goodwill fee” to every tourist who came to swim, snorkel, or dive
commercial fishing pressure. One of the Kubulau high chiefs, along within the reserve.