Page 143 - Melanesia
P. 143
nnie’s Bommie - A submerged reef with big bommies (coral akuniba Pass - Depth 20-100 feet. Starts as a sloping reef
turning into a wall. Marine life includes schools of barracuda,
A Dpinnacles) which allows divers to weave between them. Depth
ranging from 15-70 feet. Marine life includes schools of fusiliers, leopard shark, and many hard corals and soft corals.
basslets, anthiases, trevally, moray eels, occasional leopard sharks, F ish Factory - A wall with depth ranging from 20-500 feet plus a
stingrays and pipefish. The area is covered in soft coral and hard variety of soft coral on the top and side of the wall. Schools of
coral on top of bommies, including opal bubble coral.
B arracuda Hole - Depth 20-80 feet. Sloping dive with 2 pinna- parrotfish, humphead wrasse, mackerel, angelfish, sea cod, moray
cles on the way. Marine life includes schools of barracuda, jack eel, occasional manta rays, sharks, stonefish and leaf scorpionfish.
travelly, unicorn fish, fusiliers, bronze whaler sharks, whitetip reef
sharks, sometimes nurse sharks, and nudibranches. J ack’s Place - Depth 20-60 feet. Sloping reef. Lots of hard corals
mixed with soft corals and beautiful colors. Marine life includes
schools of powder blue surgeon fish, triggerfish, humphead
C abbage Patch - Depth 10-60 feet. Sloping dive with sandy wrasse, and moray eels.
areas. Lots of sepentine salad coral. Marine life includes sabre
squirrelfish, spotfin squirrelfish, lionfish, moray eels and soldier- J erry’s Jelly - Depth 15-60 feet. Sloping dive. two pinnacles with
fish. white soft corals under ledge and on top. Marine life includes
C arl Street - Depth 20-80 feet. Sandy bottom with coral heads. schools of sweetlips, lots of colorful small fish, and garden eels.
Lots of soft corals.
K uku Reef - Depth 60 feet. Hard coral and soft coral. Lots of
C oral Garden - Depth 20-80 feet. Sloping dive with table corals, small colored fish, bicolor parrotfish, clown triggerfish, hump-
sheet corals, net fire corals, flower corals, and other hard cor- back snapper.