Page 149 - Melanesia
P. 149
Taveuni - Northern Taveuni Dive Sites
M any divers come to Taveuni just to witness the excellent soft create the remarkable spectacles of colour that portray Taveuni scu-
coral blooms that occur when the current is running just ba diving. When the current is present to any reasonable extent the
right. Normally the currents are little more than a gentle helping grateful corals expand to their finest and most enchanting, whereas
hand along the way, guiding you past some of the most wonder- without the current they would retract into barely visible balls. It
ful proliferations of soft corals on the planet. Large bushes of pink, is not all sessile stuff when diving Taveuni however, as the nutrient
brown and orange span out to capture the passing nutrients and rich waters also promise plenty of plenty of pelagic fish species.