Page 156 - Melanesia
P. 156

oral Gardens - Nicknamed Nirvana and only a few minutes         meters, the site is perfect for experienced divers and novices alike.
                                                                       The waters here are filled with schooling damselfish and orange
C by boat. Three fingers of lava once streamed into the ocean          anthias, which circle the bommies, where moray eels hide in the
                                                                       shadows, sea stars and nudibranchs flirt with other invertebrates,
and are now covered with a variety of hard corals and soft coral       and bluespotted stingrays rest. Keep an eye on the blue to see
species. Eagle rays, sharks and big schools of barracuda are the       schooling pelagics passing in the distance.
keepers of the Coral Gardens.
                                                                       I ncredible Reef - On the inner side of Vuna Reef, this deep dive
D olphin Bay - Located just a bay over, this drift dive is on the         explore a large wedge-shaped area cutting into the Reef wall.
       island wall. Resident moray eels and lionfish make this a       Schools of pelagics glide past as smaller reef fish swarm in the
popular dive. Large fish like snapper and trevally make regular ap-    shelter of the wedge.
                                                                       O rgasm - Vuna Reef at its finest. This wall dive faces open
F ish Bommies - A fine dive location for divers of all experience              ocean and it is here that sharks, eagle rays and napoleon
     levels. Gorgeous sloping white sandy bottome sloping from         wrasse are in abundance. Drift by schools of spanish mackerel and
6 m (20 ft) to 20 m (66 ft). Scattered with coral bommies, you can     large tuna from the deep. All this in only 60ft/18m, a truly awe-
see everything here. Whitetip reef sharks, nurse sharks, sea turtles,  inspiring dive site that nevers seems to disappoint.
manta rays and eagle rays, parrot fish, moray eels and millions of
small colorful reef fish.

F ish Factory - Stunning hard plate corals, lots of ambient light,     P innacles - This deep seamount stands a little off Vuna Reef and
     multicolored patches of soft coral, giant clams and swarms of           attracts manta rays in season and other large visitors as well
reef fish at a depth of less than 60 ft/18m make this popular for      as smaller schooling species. Soft corals are abundant and bright
photographers, beginners and experienced divers. You will find         thanks to the sea current.
beautiful soft coral in brilliant pink and orange hues that contrast
with the brilliant blue ocean water. With ambient temperatures,
very little current, and many features around just ten to twenty
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